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AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. Run along, my dear, run along. BOLSHÓV. Wait a minute before changing there's a suitor coming. AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. What sort of a suitor can that be? Quit your fooling. BOLSHÓV. Wait a bit, Lipa, there's a suitor coming. LÍPOCHKA. Who is it, daddy? Do I know him or not? BOLSHÓV. You'll see him in a minute; and then, perhaps, you'll recognize him.

In the distance at the Hrymin Juniors' they were playing on the expensive concertina.... Praskovya and Lipa began to go to sleep. And when they were awakened by somebody's steps it was bright moonlight; at the entrance of the barn stood Aksinya with her bedding in her arms.

In the first the town half there was a widow living in her own little house; she had a sister living with her who was quite poor and went out to work by the day, and this sister had a daughter called Lipa, a girl who went out to work, too.

Near Jacobstadt, Dvinsk, and Smorgon, along the Stokhod, and from the Zlota Lipa to south of the Dniester, the artillery activity increased considerably. Advances and reconnoitering operations often led to local engagements. Near Novica, on the Lomnitza front, new strong Russian attacks were repulsed with sanguinary losses.

"No, come along, he won't touch you." "I have been at the hospital," said Lipa after a pause. "My little son died there. Here I am carrying him home." It must have been unpleasant for the old man to hear this, for he moved away and said hurriedly: "Never mind, my dear. It's God's will. You are very slow, lad," he added, addressing his companion; "look alive!

The Russians were driven out of the sections of the German lines into which they had broken and suffered very heavy losses. On the lower Styr and on the front between the Styr and Stokhod, and farther south as far as the region of the lower Lipa, everywhere there were fought most desperate engagements.

During the last two or three days of July, 1916, however, the German-Austrian forces suffered some serious reverses. On July 21, 1916, General Sakharoff had succeeded in crossing the Lipa River and in establishing himself firmly on its south bank.

At another point the Germans, who crossed the Styr above the mouth of the Lipa, near the village of Peremel, were attacked and driven back to the river. On the Galician front, in the direction of the Carpathians, there was an artillery action. The left wing of the Russians continued to press the Austrians back.

"Oh my God! you wicked woman...." He flung up his hands and went out, and he kept saying something as he went away. And a little later Aksinya sat up and sighed heavily with annoyance, then got up and, gathering up her bedclothes in her arms, went out. "Why did you marry me into this family, mother?" said Lipa. "One has to be married, daughter. It was not us who ordained it."

During June, in the region south of Griciaty, 158 officers and 2,307 men, as well as cannon and nineteen machine guns, fell into the hands of the Central Powers. In the region of the Lipa Austrian artillery continued to bombard the Russian front with heavy artillery and field artillery.