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And this town's got a po-lice!" the comment with lip-curling scorn. "It also has a county court which is probably waiting for us," said Winton; whereupon they went in to appease the offended majesty of the law. As Winton had predicted, his answer to the court summons was a mere formality.

A sudden contempt for everything that only an hour ago seemed so desirable rose within her, and, in answer to the young woman's query as to whether she preferred coffee to ice-cream, she answered with lip-curling aloofness: "Neither, thank you.... I am not hungry." Stillman looked at her searchingly. She returned his gaze without flinching. Claire Robson did not sleep that night.

He was not in the least disturbed. Indeed, he seemed to be approaching the issue with unqualified pleasure. "Now, Starratt, let's get at the root of the trouble... Of course you're a reasonable man otherwise..." Starratt smiled ironically. A vivid remembrance of Hilmer's words flashed over him. His lip-curling disdain must have communicated itself to Mr.

Starratt could easily have lied and closed the incident quickly, but an illogical pride stirred him to the truth. "No," he returned, quietly, "I'm simply short. We're having some company in for dinner and there are a few things to get cigars and well, you know what." Wetherbee threw him a lip-curling glance. "Cigars? Well, twopenny clerks do keep up a pretty scratch and no mistake. In my day "

He stood at the rail surveying Rio's shores with that lip-curling contempt of the Argentine for everything Brazilian. He regarded Emma McChesney's radiant face. "You are pleased with this this Indian Rio?" Mrs. McChesney paused to gaze with him at the receding shores. "Like it! I'm afraid I haven't seen it. From here it looks like Coney. But it buys like Seattle. Like it! Well, I should say I do!"