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She shrieked and cried piteously for help, with her eyes fixed upon Lintzow. "Look alive, Henrik!" cried Max to Hartvig junior, who was nearer at hand; "why don't you help your sister?" Miss Frederica extricated herself without help, and the party proceeded. The table was laid in the garden, along the wall of the house; and although the spring was so young, it was warm enough in the sunshine.

"Yes, let's go down to the sea!" cried Max Lintzow. "That's just what I want," said the old lady. "If you can relieve me of him I shall be all right, for he is the worst of them all." "If Miss Rebecca will lead the way, I will follow wherever she pleases," said the young man, with a bow. Rebecca blushed. Nothing of that sort had ever been said to her before.

The handsome young man made her a low bow, and his words had such a ring of sincerity. But there was no time to dwell upon this impression; the whole merry troop were soon out of the house, through the garden, and, with Rebecca and Lintzow at their head, making their way up to the little height which was called the King's Knoll.

Lintzow, do pick me a bouquet of them for this evening!" The young man, who had been exerting himself to hit upon the right tone in which to converse with Rebecca, fancied that the girl started at Miss Frederica's words. "You are very fond of the violets?" he said, softly. She looked up at him in surprise; how could he possibly know that?

For the Parsonage lay on the outermost slope towards the sea, so that the vast blue horizon suddenly burst upon you as you entered the yard. The gentleman on the back seat leaned a little forward. "Yes, it's very pretty here," he said; "I'm glad that you appreciate our peculiar scenery, Mr. Lintzow." At the same moment the young man's glance met Rebecca's, and she instantly lowered her eyes.

Hartvig interrupted him eagerly, "this is going too far! Even if this incorrigible Mr. Lintzow and my crazy sons have succeeded in storming your house and home, I won't resign the last remnants of my authority. The entertainment shall most certainly be my affair. Off you go, young men," she said, turning to her sons, "and unpack the carriages.

Lintzow, were chiefly taken up with her; and the little pointed speeches which this circumstance called forth from time to time were as meaningless for her as much of the rest of the conversation. They amused themselves for some time with running down the shelving beach every time the wave receded, and then rushing up again when the next wave came.

Lintzow opened the carriage-door with a formal bow, Consul Hartvig looked at his wife and she at him, the Pastor advanced and renewed his invitation, and the end was that, with half-laughing reluctance, they alighted and suffered the Pastor to usher them into the spacious garden-room. Then came renewed excuses and introductions.

Hartvig threw her cloak upon a chair and set about arranging things as best she could. But the young people, always with Mr. Lintzow at their head, seemed determined to make as much confusion as possible. Even the Pastor was infected by their merriment, and to Rebecca's unspeakable astonishment she saw her own father, in complicity with Mr. Lintzow, biding a big paper parcel under Mrs.

Rebecca looked at her father, and so did Lintzow; the worthy Pastor pulled a face upon which even Ansgarius could read a confession of crime. "I can't possibly believe," began Mrs. Hartvig, "that you, Pastor, have been conspiring with " And then he could not help laughing and making a clean breast of it, amid great merriment, while the boys in triumph produced the parcel with the game.