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Or among the Teleostei in what respect is the Beryx of the Chalk more embryonic, or less differentiated, than Beryx lineatus of King George's Sound? Or to turn to the higher Vertebrata in what sense are the Liassic Chelonia inferior to those which now exist? How are the Cretaceous Ichthyosauria, Plesiosauria, or Pterosauria less embryonic, or more differentiated, species than those of the Lias?

Canfield, Dr., on the horns of the Antilocapra. Canine teeth in man, diminution of, in man; diminution of, in horses; disappearance of, in male ruminants; large in the early progenitors of man. Canines, and horns, inverse development of. Canoes, use of. Cantharis, difference of colour in the sexes of a species of. Cantharus lineatus.

About two o'clock we stopped, having caught, as near as the Captain could estimate, between one and two hundred pounds of cod, a dog-fish, and eleven sea-bass not the striped bass, such as we took off the rocks with a troll line in rough water: that was the Labrax lineatus; but the sea-bass, the Centropristes nigricans, superior in title, but inferior in every other way to the striped bass.

Or among the Teleostei in what respect is the 'Beryx' of the Chalk more embryonic, or less differentiated, than 'Beryx lineatus' of King George's Sound? Or to turn to the higher Vertebrata in what sense are the Liassic Chelonia inferior to those which now exist?

Kent, W.S., elongation of dorsal fin of Callionymus lyra; courtship of Labrus mixtus; colours and courtship of Cantharus lineatus. Kestrels, new mates found by. Kidney, one, doing double work in disease. King, W.R., on the vocal organs of Tetrao cupido; on the drumming of grouse; on the reindeer; on the attraction of male deer by the voice of the female.

When above ten or twelve pounds in weight it is of a brilliant copper-red on back and sides: the smaller ones are of a steel-blue on the back, and iridescent when first caught. It grows to the weight of fifty or sixty pounds, runs in great schools, and in habits and play when hooked resembles the allied species Labrax lineatus, the striped bass.

The Culex lineatus, which belongs to the Cano Tamalamec, is only perceived in the valley of the Rio Grande de la Magdalena, at a league north of the junction of the two rivers; it goes up, but scarcely ever descends the Rio Grande.

Native name, KARLOCK. Speared by a native, June 1841. Inhabits rocky shores. No. 2. BERYX LINEATUS, C. and V. 3, p. 226. Native name, CHETONG. Red Snapper, or Tide-fisher of the sealers. Very common in the bays of rocky shores. "Rays, D. 5-14; A. 4-13; P. 12; V. 1-7." No. 59. SPHYROENA. Native name, KORDONG. "Rays, D. 5, 1-9; A. 11; P. 13; V. 1-5."

As August waned the fishing improved, and with the little fiddler or soldier crab we caught fish of three and four pounds instead of those of one and two pounds that had a month ago employed us. And then the striped bass, the Labrus lineatus, the king of saltwater game fish what splendid sport they furnished! These last we caught, some of us with the pole and reel, some with the hand-line.

It has been known, however, to all the old ichthyologists, Valentyn, Renard, Seba, Artedi, and has been named Chætodon lineatus, by Linné. Of these richly coloured fishes the most familiar in the Indian seas are the Pteroids. They are well known on the coast of Africa, and thence eastward to Polynesia; but they do not extend to the west coast of America, and are utterly absent from the Atlantic.