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And then he said, "I will speak with my thanes, and give you word to carry back in an hour's time, now that I know you to be a true messenger." "There should be no reason for waiting so long as that, nor do I think that the matter of the throne of East Anglia is a question for Lindsey thanes," answered Arngeir at once. "All this is between you and the princess."

Lindsey Moore, blacksmith, leather-tanner ex-marble shooting champion and a number of other things, represents one of the most resourceful former slaves yet found in the state. Moore was born in 1850 on the plantation of John B. Overtree, in Forsythe County, Georgia. He was one of the six children of Eliza Moore; all of them remained the property of Overtree until freed.

I've got to stay with him, 'cause he stayed with me." I have used that appeal to loyalty hundreds of times since in our work with the boys, and it is almost infallibly successful. In eight years, out of 507 cases of boys put upon their honor to take themselves from Denver to the Industrial School at Golden, to which the court had sentenced them, Judge Lindsey had but five failures.

"Aye; and it's a fortunate thing and shows how one thing leads to another that Gilverthwaite did go to Mr. Ridley!" explained Mr. Lindsey. "It set Mr. Ridley on a track, and he's been following it up, and to cut matters short he's found particulars of the marriage of Michael Carstairs, who was said to have died unmarried. And I wish Portlethorpe hadn't gone home to Newcastle before Mr.

And I'll get the superintendent to come down presently." "Make it in, say, half an hour," said I. "This is a queer business altogether, sergeant, and I'm so much in it that I'm not going to do things on my own responsibility. I'll call Mr. Lindsey up from his bed, and get him to come down to talk over what's to be done." "Aye, you're in the right of it there," he said. "Mr.

Lena Lindsey, with her brother Rob, Leslie Grafton, and Harry, Vivian Osborne, and, indeed, all of her little friends and playmates hastened to see her, to hear from Rose, and to tell all of the small neighborhood happenings that had occurred while she had been away. "I've three white rabbits," said Rob, "and I want to show them to you, Polly."

"It was Lena Lindsey who first thought of calling her 'Princess Polly, and she's always so sweet that the name seems to belong to her," said Leslie. Polly had seen them, and when they reached the house, she was waiting to greet them. "The postman is coming!" they cried, "the postman is coming, and we ran ahead to tell you!" "Oh, perhaps there's a letter from Rose!" said Polly.

Lindsey, after a fit of silence, "see what a quantity of snow the children have brought in on their feet! It has made quite a puddle here before the stove. Pray tell Dora to bring some towels and sop it up!" Once it may be some hundreds of years ago there lived a good old Fisherman, who, on a fine summer's evening, was sitting before the door mending his nets.

The police think this is going to be a very simple affair mere vulgar murder for the sake of mere vulgar robbery. We shall see!" Then Sir Gilbert went away, and Mr. Lindsey looked at me, who stood a little apart, and he saw that I was thinking. "Well, my lad," he said; "a bit dazed by your new opening? It's a fine chance for you, too! Now, I suppose, you'll be wanting to get married.

Uncle John was to have a fine conservatory built, and later it would be stocked with beautiful flowering plants. Lena Lindsey was to give a fine party some time during the Winter, and Leslie Grafton, and her brother Harry had already hinted that there would be gaiety at their home. Mrs.