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"But the court officers seized the defendant's deed, also," objected Judge Graney. Judge Lindman questioned a deputy who sat in the rear of the room. The latter replied that he had seen no deed. Yes, he admitted, in reply to a question of Judge Graney's, it might have been possible that Corrigan had been alone in the office for a time. Graney looked inquiringly at Corrigan.

Get them here, first. Then " The banker licked his lips. "How does old Benham take it?" "Mr. Benham is enthusiastic because everything will be done in a perfectly legitimate way he thinks." "And the courts?" "Judge Lindman, of the District Court now in Dry Bottom, is going to establish himself here. Benham pulled that string." "Good!" said Braman. "When is Lindman coming?"

Manti had awaited his coming; he was the magic force, the fulfillment of the rumored promise. He had stayed away for three weeks, following his departure on the special car after bringing Judge Lindman, and when he stepped off the car again at the end of that time Manti was "humming," as he had predicted. During the three weeks of his absence, the switch at Manti had never been unoccupied.

"No," she said, firmly. He laughed shortly. "Well, we'll get him. I've split my men up some have gone to his ranch, the others have headed for Levins' place." "What has happened?" "Enough. Judge Lindman disappeared the supposition is that he was abducted. I placed some men around the courthouse, to safeguard the records, and Trevison broke in and set fire to the place.

He took the ledger up and slammed it down on the desk again, his voice vibrating. "Judge Lindman, this isn't a true record it is not the original record! I saw the original record five years ago, when I went personally to Dry Bottom with Buck Peters to have my deed recorded! This record is a fake it has been substituted for the original!

"There's knavery here, my boy; there's some sort of influence behind Lindman. Let's see some of the other owners who are likely to be affected." This task took them two days, and resulted in the discovery that no other owner had secured a deed to his land. Lefingwell explained the omission. "A sale is a sale," he said; "or a sale has been a sale until now.

Levins' story that I paid him a thousand dollars is a fabrication, pure and simple. I paid Jim Marchmont a thousand dollars that morning, which was the balance due him on our contract. The transaction was witnessed by Judge Lindman. After Marchmont was shot, Levins took the money from him." "Why wasn't Levins arrested?" "It seems that public opinion was with Levins.

Corrigan had kept his promise to build Judge Lindman a courthouse. It was a flat-roofed structure, one story high, wedged between a saloon and Braman's bank building.

Crawling through, he rose on the other side, crossed the floor carefully, kneeled at the drawer where Judge Lindman had concealed the record, pulled it out and stuck it in the waistband of his trousers, in front, his eyes glittering with exultation. Then he began to back toward the opening in the partition.

A great many people here knew of the ancient trouble between them." He passed from that, quickly. "The tale of the robbery of Trevison's office is childlike, for the reason that Trevison had no deed. Judge Lindman is an honored and respected official. And " he added as a last argument " your father is the respected head of a large and important railroad.