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Your free, hearty consent is all I ask and if you would be so kind as to exert a little influence with mother." "Then you have told this to her, before coming to me," said the General, and his brow darkened. "No, sir, I have spoken to no one but Lina. It was my duty to come to you first, and I am here." "That is better; but how do you know that Mrs.

By some attraction, which we do not pretend to explain, the young man went first to the house where he had seen Lina. He had no wish to enter it, and shrunk painfully from the thought of seeing her again; but still he lingered around the dwelling left it returned again, and could not tear himself away, so tenacious and cruel was his object.

Thus beautiful was the birth of the little Lina, who grew, daily, in a pure innocent loveliness. While she is expanding in the first days of her new, breathing, sensitive life, we will go back to the former life of Gotleib and Anna. Gotleib Von Arnheim had first seen the light in this same small cottage, on the confines of the Black Forest of Germany. He was born with a large, loving heart.

The owner and his wife were on the most intimate terms with my relatives, and their daughter Lina seemed to me the fairest of all the flowers in the Adelsson garden. If ever a girl could be compared to a violet it was she. I knew her from childhood to maidenhood, and rejoiced when I saw her wed in young Count Uexkyll-Guldenbrand a life companion worthy of her.

"Ain't we going to look sweet at Miss Cecilia's wedding," said Frances, after a short silence. "I'll betcher I'll be the cutest kid in that church," boasted Jimmy conceitedly. "You coming, ain't you, Billy?" "I gotter go," answered that jilted swain, gloomily, "Aunt Minerva ain't got nobody to leave me with at home. I jes' wish she'd git married." "Why wouldn't you be a page, Billy?" asked Lina.

But the name of James Harrington, even upon those lips, had reached the sleeping sense of Mabel. She made a faint struggle. Her lips quivered with an ineffectual attempt to speak. This brought Lina back. "Shall I call help, dear mamma? Shall I call help?" "No!" The monosyllable was uttered so faintly, that nothing but a loving ear, like Lina's, would have heard it.

Do you understand?" and he gazed sternly at 'Lina, who was too much astonished to answer, even if she had been so disposed. Quick as thought, 'Lina darted up a back stairway, and when, half an hour later, Hugh, hearing mysterious sounds above, and suspecting something wrong, went up to reconnoiter, he found Hannah industriously pulling the tacks from the carpet, preparatory to taking it up.

"It's so nice of you to promise!" She questioned him from under her half-lifted eyelids, and he added, with a laugh, "I'll come!" and was rewarded with two pretty smiles, just alike, from mother and daughter, as they drove away. Twenty years earlier, when Mrs. Bowen was Miss Lina Ridgely, she used to be the friend and confidante of the girl who jilted Colville.

A few weeks, Agnes, will bring our affairs to a crisis when you and I shall be all-powerful or nothing. As for this wild but hush!" Zillah pointed warningly toward the bed, where Lina was struggling into consciousness again. "Are you better, love?" she inquired, gently bending over the pale form. But Lina faintly turned away her head, without even an attempt at speech.

She was about to pass it, when on glancing toward it, she saw Patience standing before the glass, turning this way and that so as to get a better light on the amber necklace that she wore. With a little cry, Lina sprang into the room. Patience turned, and was about to speak, but before she could say a word, Lina shouted: "That's my necklace!