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My father, who did not understand the classical languages, received with respect the advice of his old friend, and from that moment conceived the highest opinion of Lilly’s Latin grammar.

If I am here asked whether I understood anything of what I had got by heart, I reply‘Never mind, I understand it all now, and believe that no one ever yet got Lilly’s Latin grammar by heart when young, who repented of the feat at a mature age.’ And, when my father saw that I had accomplished my task, he opened his mouth, and said, ‘Truly, this is more than I expected.

Perhaps you may still contrive, now you have exhausted the barn, to pick up a grain or two in the barn-yard. You are still ignorant of figures, I believe, not that I would mention figures in the same day with Lilly’s grammar.’ These words were uttered in a place called , in the north, or in the road to the north, to which, for some time past, our corps had been slowly advancing.

You are now removing him from my care; you do wrong, but we will let that pass. Listen to me: there is but one good school-book in the worldthe one I use in my seminaryLilly’s Latin grammar, in which your son has already made some progress. If you are anxious for the success of your son in life, for the correctness of his conduct and the soundness of his principles, keep him to Lilly’s grammar.

If you can by any means, either fair or foul, induce him to get by heart Lilly’s Latin grammar, you may set your heart at rest with respect to him; I, myself, will be his warrant. I never yet knew a boy that was induced, either by fair means or foul, to learn Lilly’s Latin grammar by heart, who did not turn out a man, provided he lived long enough.’