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In Room 512 on the fifth floor of the dormitory, Tom Corbett and Astro, the two other cadets who, with Roger Manning, made up the famed Polaris unit of the Space Cadet Corps, were deep in their studies. Though the lights-out order had been given over the dormitory loud-speaker system, the desk lamp burned brightly and there was a blanket thrown over the window.

Outwood's house had been seen breaking in after lights-out; but it would have been very difficult for the authorities to have narrowed the search down any further than that. There were thirty-four boys in Outwood's, of whom about fourteen were much the same size and build as Mike. The suddenness, however, of the call caused Mike to lose his head.

These girls were all about the same age, and, excepting Stella, juniors, as were Peggy and Polly, whose previous work under tutors and in high school had qualified them to enter that grade at Columbia Heights. It was their first night at the school, and "lights-out" bell had rung at ten o'clock, but a glorious October moon flooded the room with a silvery light, almost as bright as day.

Dunster did say he thought it was something important, only like an ass I thought it would do if I came over at lockup." "It doesn't matter," said Jellicoe miserably; "it can't be helped." "Yes, it can," said Mike. "I know what I'll do it's all right. I'll get out of the house after lights-out." Jellicoe sat up. "You can't! You'd get sacked if you were caught." "Who would catch me?

The night was full of rustling noises and sullen thunder-claps, while a more distant roaring and rumbling seemed to break against some invisible shore like the breakers of a stormy sea. We retired to our huts and tents. Soon after lights-out the Police Corporal came round and shouted: "Parade at 4.45 to-morrow morning in marching order."

Kennedy observed them, and the spectacle starting a train of thought asked Jimmy Silver, as they went into their tent just before lights-out, if there was much ragging in camp. "Not very much," said the expert. "Chaps are generally too done up at the end of the day to want to do anything except sleep. Still, I've known cases. You sometimes get one tent mobbing another.

"What would you do?" asked Shoeblossom. "Tell Milton, of course," said Barry. "But he'd give me beans for being out of the dorm, after lights-out." This was a distinct point to be considered. The attitude of Barry towards Milton was different from that of Shoeblossom.

Leveson would come if we asked him. Let's get back to the lines. It's almost tea-time. Tell him after tea." Leveson proved agreeable. Indeed, he jumped at it. His life, his attitude suggested, had been a hollow mockery until he heard the plan, but now he could begin to enjoy himself once more. The lights-out bugle sounded at ten o'clock; the last post at ten-thirty.

The harsh vibration of the alarm at one end of the day, and the expiry of the Lights-Out talks at the other these events marked the chief time-divisions in our hut life. While we were absent at work, our interests were many and scattered; but the hut was a nucleus for communal bonds of union which evoked no little loyalty and affection from us all.

She stepped into the drawing-room with the single-minded purpose of rousing Eustace out of his sleep and giving him a good talking to for having failed to maintain her own standard of efficiency among the domestic staff. If there was one thing on which Mrs. Horace Hignett had always insisted it was that every window in the house must be closed at lights-out.