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She seated herself on the top of the stone steps, and taking off her straw hat, fanned her heated brow, where the rich waving hair clung in damp masses. "What name, miss, must I give, when the lie-yer finishes his bizness?" "Say that a stranger wishes to see him about an important matter."

Sam whistled mournfully, but he looked game enough when his opponent rose to speak Uncle Josh Barton, who had short, thick, upright hair, little sharp eyes, and a rasping voice. Uncle Josh wasted no time: "Feller-citizens," he shouted, "this man is a lawyer he's a corporation lawyer"; the fearful name pronounced "lie-yer" rang through the crowd like a trumpet, and like lightning the Hon.

I never forgot that trick, and from that day 'till now, I have been more scared of a lie-yer, than I am of a mad dog.

"'Cause he is busy with his lie-yer, fixin' of some papers; and when he tells me not to let nobody else in I'de ruther set down in a yaller jacket's nest than to turn the door knob, after he done shut it. Better leave your name and call ag'in." "No, I will wait until he is at leisure. I presume my sitting on the steps here will not be a violation of your orders." "To be shore not.

You are a lie-yer, Marse Alfred, and you know how it is yourself; and I beg your pardon, sir, for slighting the perfession; but when I was a little gal, I got my scare of lie-yers, and it has stuck to me like a kuckleburrow. One Christmas eve jest before ole Marster got married, he had a egg-nog party; and a lot of gentlemen was standing 'round the table in the dining-room. One of 'em was ole Mr.