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"Nebba see de day Dat Rodney run away, Nebba see um night Dat Rodney cannot fight. "Massa, me free man, sar. Suppose you give me pictareen, drink massa health. "Nebba see de day, boy, Pompey lickum de Caesar. "And you nebba see de day dat de Grasshopper run on de Warrington." "Out of the way, you nigger!" cried one of the men who was rolling down a cask. "Eh! who you call nigger?

One fellow danced round us, snapping his fingers, and singing songs without beginning or end. "Eh, massa, what you say now? Me no slave true Barbadian born, sir. Eh! "Nebba see de day Dat Rodney run away, Nebba see um night Dat Rodney cannot fight. Massa me free man, sar. Suppose you give me pictareen, drink massa health. "Nebba see de day, boy, Pompey lickum de Caesar.

When this was called to my attention I called one of the old men aside and asked him why he and his brothers followed Miles so eagerly. "Heap big chief!" was the reply. "Him lickum Injun chiefs. Him biggest White Chief. Heap likum." Which was really a very high tribute, as Indians are not given to extravagant praise.

Never mind, just brush them off; they won't change the taste any." But though the ladies admired the ripe red fruit, they seemed to have no appetite for it, and Henry was the only one of the party who sampled it. "It's lickum good," he announced, after the first mouthful. "Better have some, girls. No? Well, I shall lug this piece back with us for refreshments.