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Hendry said that this was only reasonable, but we could think of no subject at the moment, so we only stared at Tammas, and waited. "I fathomed it," he said at last, "as sune as my een lichted on't. It's one o' the bit cards 'at grand fowk slip 'aneath doors when they mak calls, an' their friends is no in. Ay, that's what it is." "I dinna say ye're wrang," Pete answered, a little annoyed.

Then, laddie, ye wull hae earned yoursel' th' penny-fee for whilk ye hae perilled your saul. "'But, said she, 'my ain bairn, when ye hae won the croun, use it na' at all, though a' the fiends fra' hell tempted ye, but carry it to the kirkyard at mirk midnight; an' when ye hae cannily lichted a bit bleeze, burn the king's croun, an' say wha' I shall tell ye.

"He had nae business, though," said Leeby, "to tell onybody." "He was a rale clever man, the doctor," Jess explained to me, "ay, he kent me as weel as though he'd gaen through me wi' a lichted candle. It got oot through him, an' the young billies took to sayin' to Jamie, 'Ye do love her, Jamie; ay, ye love her richt. The only reglar fecht I ever kent Jamie hae was wi' a lad 'at cried that to him.

And he lifted up a rung big eneuch to fell a stot, and let flee at the monkey; but Nosey was ower quick for him, and jumping aside, he lichted on a shelf before ane could say Jock Robinson. Here he rowed up the note like a baw in his hand, and put it into his coat pouch like any rational cratur.

"Somebody has found a wy, Grizel!" he would say, chuckling, and she smiled an agreement. "And yet," says he, puzzled, "I've watched, and you hinna haen a letter frae him. It defies the face o' clay to find out how he has managed it. Oh, the crittur! Ay, I suppose you dinna want to tell me what it is that has lichted you up again?"