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But to proceed. In the fourth place, the canon law itself speaketh for the argument which we have in hand: Non licet iniquas observationes agere calendarum, et otiis vacare Gentilibus, neque lauro, aut viriditate arborum, cingere domos: omnis enim haec observatio paganismi est. And again: Anathema sit qui ritum paganorum et calendarum observat.

She looked at Nelville then cast down her eyes and though, at that moment, he took her hand and pressed it against his heart, she shuddered at the idea that such a man could sacrifice others or himself to the worship of opinions, of principles, or of duties, which he might have chosen. "Carpite nunc, tauri, de septem collibus herbas, Dum licet. Hic magnæ jam locus urbis erit."

"Accipe quæ nimios vincant umbracula soles, Sit licet, et ventus, te tua vela tegont." By tua vela is to be understood "your own Umbrella." And elsewhere the same writer gives the advice: "Ingrediare viam coelo licet usque sereno Ad subitas nunquam scortea desit aquas." Man'., lib. xiv.

Bereaved and broken-hearted, To earth the mourners turn. To the dim and dreary shore, Thou art gone our steps before! But thither the swift Hours lead us, And thou dost but a while precede us, Salve salve! Loved urn, and thou solemn cell, Mute ashes! farewell, farewell! Salve salve! Ilicet ire licet Ah, vainly would we part! Thy tomb is the faithful heart.

He concludes in a noble strain of orthodox piety: 'Vita tum demum vocitanda vita est. Tum licet gratos socios habere, Seraphim et sanctos TRIADEM verendam Concelebrantes. After a very good sleep, I rose more refreshed than I had been for some nights. We were now at but a little distance from the shore, and saw the sea from our windows, which made our voyage seem nearer. Mr.

Si parva licet: if Virgil could invoke the divine Augustus, a humbler poet from the banks of the Isis may celebrate a victory and a conqueror of our own nation, in whose triumphs every Briton has a share, and whose glory and genius contributes to every citizen's individual honor.

"Verum talis mini de horum origine et formatione conceptus formabam; globulis nempe ex quibus farina Tritici, Hordei, Avenae, Fagotritici, se constat aquae calore dissolvi et aquae commisceri; hac, vero aqua, quam cerevisiam vocare licet, refrigescente, multos ex minimis particulis in cerevisia coadunari, et hoc pacto efficere particulam sive globulum, quae sexta pars est globuli faecis, et iterum sex ex hisce globulis conjungi."

Now I know why Fröben and Landsberg were staring at me so." Then she pouted: "But Frau von Gropphusen looked nice dressed like this!" Her husband answered quietly: "My child, 'quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi." "What? What does that mean?" Kauerhof translated gallantly, "You are prettier than the Gropphusen, my Marion; but she is thinner than you."

Bossuet strode over the paving-stones, ran to it, stopped the driver, made the passengers alight, offered his hand to "the ladies," dismissed the conductor, and returned, leading the vehicle and the horses by the bridle. "Omnibuses," said he, "do not pass the Corinthe. Non licet omnibus adire Corinthum."

In these, I say, and these only, scandalum quod oritur ex rebus per se bonis et necessariis, non licet evitare, &c., at rerum legitimarum sed non necessariarum dispar est ratio, &c., saith a great Formalist. 12th.