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The young Lennoxes that is, the rest of them and the young Constables were all invited to spend many days at the Castle, until at last the Christmas holidays passed by, and Leucha went back to school; and the Duke, the Duke's nephew, that nephew's son, and dear, gentle Jasmine, as well as Hollyhock, all went off on an expedition to the Riviera.

The fact of your being Earl Crossways' daughter has no effect in a school which is the gift of the Duke of Ardshiel; so don't fancy it. Act sensibly, as you cannot bring yourself to forgive, and stay in your bedroom. I am not talking nonsense when I predict that the nerves of the strongest will be tested to-night. 'I refuse. You can't turn me out, said Leucha. 'Very well, said Mrs Macintyre.

In a fury a blind fury Leucha rushed to her bed, tore aside the eider-down, and tried to catch the wicked cat in order to fling her out of the window; but Hollyhock stood in the room. 'Don't, she said. 'Poor beastie! I put her there for fun for a bit of a lark. I'll take her now. Don't you touch my cat, or I 'll be at you.

As it was, they did come to pass a little later on, but on this special Saturday there was a slight reprieve both for Leucha and for Hollyhock. Mrs Drummond drove over from Edinburgh in a luxurious motor-car and took her daughter away, promising to send her back to the school on the following Monday morning.

I fully admit that she had no right to dress up Meg Drummond as a ghost and to frighten such a nervous, silly girl as you are; but afterwards, when she saw the effect, who could have been more noble than Hollyhock; who could have nursed you with more splendid care, and and loved you, Leucha you, who are not popular in the school? 'I don't care! I won't stay here long, muttered Leucha.

The intense unhappiness of her mind caused her to be most freakish in her behaviour, to tell impossible ghost-stories, and as she could not sleep at nights and was really not at all well, to spend her time in planning fresh plots for the annoyance of Leucha.

Hollyhock's heart was also aching for Leucha, and her anxiety was great with regard to what was taking place at The Garden. Would Jasmine and Jasper between them have any effect on Leuchy? Hollyhock felt for the first time in her life feverish, miserable, and anxious.

'Shall I sing you a bit of a tune now? Would that comfort you? 'I 'm thinking of that awful ghost, said Leucha. 'Do not be silly, Leucha, my pet. Didn't I tell you he will not try his hand again on an English girl? Now, then, I 'm going to sing something so soothing, so soft, that you cannot, for a moment, but love to listen. The rich contralto voice rose and fell.

'You don't know her story or you wouldn't speak of her like that. 'I don't want to hear her story, said Barbara Fraser. 'I dislike her appearance too much. 'Barbara, my dear, I am the last to encourage vanity, but Hollyhock is quite the handsomest girl in the school. 'Oh, Mrs Macintyre, I do wish we had never come here! said Leucha, who looked extremely mournful and inclined to cry.

But Leucha hated Sir Walter Scott; she hated his dialect, his long descriptions; she was not interested even in this marvellous work of his, Ivanhoe, and lay back in her easy-chair with her eyes half shut and her mind halt asleep. There came a sharp, short knock at her door. It roused Leucha to say, 'Who's there? 'It's me, Magsie, please, miss, replied a voice.