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'Sire, he said, 'give me your daughter Mazaea to wife: if wealth and possessions count for anything, I am a fitter husband for her than these. Leucanor was surprised: he knew that Arsacomas was but a poor commoner among the Scythians.

If this be so, each of us has his share in this disgrace. 'Not only so, rejoined Lonchates; 'each of us labours under the whole ignominy of the affront. 'And what is to be our course? asked Macentes. 'We will divide the work, replied the other. 'I for my part undertake to present Arsacomas with the head of Leucanor: you must bring him his bride. 'I agree.

This Arsacomas had been on a visit to Leucanor, king of Bosphorus, in connexion with the tribute annually paid to us by that country, which tribute was then three months overdue; and while there he had fallen in love with Mazaea, the king's daughter. Mazaea was an extremely fine woman, and Arsacomas, seeing her at the king's table, had been much smitten with her charms.

He thus succeeded in reaching the place where he had left his horse tethered, leapt on to his back, and rode off into Scythia. There was no pursuit: the people of Bosphorus took some time to discover what had happened; and then they were occupied with disputes as to the succession. Thus Lonchates fulfilled his promise, and handed the head of Leucanor to Arsacomas.

He has now been on the ox-hide for seven days, and has got together a considerable force. 'I had heard, exclaimed Leucanor, 'that an army was being raised on the hide: but who was raising it, and what was its destination, I had no idea. 'You know now, said Lonchates.