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I'm proud and glad, said Bell. 'Let-a-be, let-a-be, said Daniel, in much dudgeon. 'A were a fool to tell him o' such-like doings, they're noane i' his line; we'll talk on yard measures now. Philip took no notice of this poor attempt at sarcasm: he seemed as if lost in thought, then he said, 'I'm vexed to plague yo', but I'd best say all I've got i' my mind.

And when I do go out to tea for once in a way, to be jeered at by them as is no better nor no worse 'n myself, acause I ain't got a husband as cares enough for me to dress me decent! that do stick i' my gizzard. I do dearly love to have neighbors think my husband care a bit about me, let-a-be 'at he don't, one hair; and when he send me out like that" Here she broke down afresh.

He was trying to carry it off with bravado, but Philip saw that he had received a shock, from his sudden look of withered colour and shrunken feature. 'Don't handcuff him, said Philip, putting money into the constable's hand. 'You'll be able to guard him well enough without them things. Daniel turned round sharp at this whisper. 'Let-a-be, let-a-be, my lad, he said.

It was to watch in the session-house with loaded guns, night about, three at a time. It was in November when my turn came. I never liked to go into the kirkyard after darkening, let-a-be sit through a long winter night with none but the dead around us.

"Your father," said he, "would be gey an little pleased if we was to break a leg to ye, Miss Drummond, let-a-be drowning of you. Take my way of it," says he, "and come on-by with the rest of us here to Rotterdam. Ye can get a passage down the Maes in a sailing scoot as far as to the Brill, and thence on again, by a place in a rattel-waggon, back to Helvoet." But Catriona would hear of no change.

"Your father," said he, "would be geyan little pleased if we was to break a leg to ye, Miss Drummond, let-a-be drowning of you. Take my way of it," says he, "and come on-by with the rest of us here to Rotterdam. Ye can get a passage down the Maes in a sailing scoot as far as to the Brill, and thence on again, by a place in a rattel-waggon, back to Helvoet." But Catriona would hear of no change.

He was trying to carry it off with bravado, but Philip saw that he had received a shock, from his sudden look of withered colour and shrunken feature. 'Don't handcuff him, said Philip, putting money into the constable's hand. 'You'll be able to guard him well enough without them things. Daniel turned round sharp at this whisper. 'Let-a-be, let-a-be, my lad, he said.

I'm proud and glad, said Bell. 'Let-a-be, let-a-be, said Daniel, in much dudgeon. 'A were a fool to tell him o' such-like doings, they're noane i' his line; we'll talk on yard measures now. Philip took no notice of this poor attempt at sarcasm: he seemed as if lost in thought, then he said, 'I'm vexed to plague yo', but I'd best say all I've got i' my mind.

"Your father," said he, "would be gey an little pleased if we was to break a leg to ye, Miss Drummond, let-a-be drowning of you. Take my way of it," says he, "and come on-by with the rest of us here to Rotterdam. Ye can get a passage down the Maes in a sailing scoot as far to the Brill, and thence on again, by a place in a rattel-waggon, back to Helvoet." But Catriona would hear of no change.