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If SHE knew she's capable of poisoning me to get herself a younger man. Lespere told him not to talk rubbish, in effect, but Lacoste was stubborn on his notion. This was but a year after the marriage. It seemed that Lacoste had a melancholy presentiment of the fate which was to be his. It was made out that Euphemie suffered from the avarice and jealousy of her old husband.

Dupouy admitted, however, that shortly before this the deceased had spoken of taking a pleasure trip with Mme Lacoste. Lespere then repeated his story of the complaints made to him by Lacoste of his wife's conduct, of his intention of altering his will, and of his belief that Euphemie was capable of poisoning him in order to get a younger man.

Lacoste ardently desired a son and heir, and his wife appeared to be barren. He confided his grief to an old friend, one Lespere. Lespere pointed out that Euphemie was not only Lacoste's wife, but his kinswoman as well. To this Lacoste replied that the fact did not content him. ``I tell you on the quiet, he said to his friend, ``I've made my arrangements.

The counsels of such a man were not calculated to help Mme Lacoste in her quarrels with her unfaithful and unlovable husband. Meanwhile M. Lacoste was letting new complaints be heard regarding his wife. Again Lespere was his confidant. His wife was bad and sulky. He was very inclined to undo what he had done for her. This was in March of 1843.