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"I understand you so far as this," she answered. "You are one of those to whom life is a chessboard, and your one aim is to make the pieces work for you, and at your bidding, till you sit in the place you covet. There isn't much of the patriot about you, Sir Leslie Borrowdean." He glanced down at his unfinished breakfast. He had the air of one who is a little bored.

Later on he tried to explain, but the attempt was a lamentable failure. She laughed, not unkindly, in his face. Leslie had refused to allow the sketch to leave his hand. If she could have gained possession of it, even for an instant, the thing would have been torn to bits. But it went back into his commodious pocket-book, and she was too proud to demand it of him.

Thornton and Margaret Thornton, a number of semi-attached couples, Lady Lufton and her son, the De Joinvilles visiting the Osbornes, from France, Miss Dudleigh and Sarona, Alton Locke, on a visit home, Signor and Signora Mancini, sad-eyed Rachel Leslie with her young brother, a stately descendant of Sir Charles Grandison, the Royal Family, and all the nobility.

Something stirred in her memory as she watched his look, and she went back to her childish days and the boy friend who had kissed her when he went away never to return. There was the same look in Howard Letchworth's eyes when he looked at Leslie, the age-old beauty of a man's clean devotion to a sweet, pure woman soul.

With Jean Melis happening on a two-days' old paper, and reading over and over a notice addressed to him. With Leslie Ward, neither better nor worse than his kind, seeking adventure in a bypath, which was East 56th Street.

No, my dear, no man, whether he smokes himself or not, likes to have a sweet, womanly girl descend " "Darling, didn't you ever do anything that my revered great-grandmother Murison disapproved of?" Leslie teased, dropping on her knees before her grandmother, and resting her arms on her lap. "Smoke ! My mother would have fainted," said Mrs. Melrose.

But when you didn't appear after a while, I began to get worried, and Rags and I started off to find you. Then he began to howl and gave the game away. Now please explain all this!" "I'll explain nothing further," replied Phyllis, loftily, "and I'll trouble you to tend to your own affairs in the future!" With which crushing rejoinder she marched away, dragging the unhappy Leslie after her.

I wish he would stay here permanently instead of going back to Boston." "A Boston man will never forsake the 'Rub," said Hugh; "that is too much to expect. We will have Mr. Leslie, of course." "Rose Saxon and Graham Marr," said Sibyl. "Now, Sibyl, how can you?" said Hugh. "Graham is not a congenial spirit." "He is congenial to me," replied Sibyl calmly.

We've put a stop to that right here, in this county at least; and so, Mr. Gwynne, that's the milk in the cocoanut, and we hope that you'll see things our way, and not sell any of your land to the Japs." "You see," interposed Judge Leslie, that Gwynne might not feel himself rushed to a decision.

The little party looked into each other's eyes to see only the reflection of their own despair. "Look out, Leslie," said Mrs Price, "and see if any help is approaching." "I cannot see a living creature in sight in any direction," said Leslie, after a long and anxious gaze. "God help us!" murmured the anxious mother, pressing her daughter closer to her bosom.