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"I have yielded to the persuasions of two ladies, Dona Leonor and the Senora Markham, to ask you to see them for a moment," he said to Senor Perkins. "Shall it be so? I have told them the hour is nearly spent." "You have told them NOTHING MORE?" asked the Senor, in a whisper unheard by Hurlstone. "No." "Let them come, then."

We must return once more to the unhappy Leonor de Cisneros. She was seated on a rough bench in her dungeon beneath the halls of the Inquisition. One gleam of light only was admitted by a small aperture, leading into a courtyard, far above her head. The gleam fell on her marble countenance, pale as that of one who has ceased to breathe.

I will die with my husband," exclaimed Leonor; but before she could say more a gag was thrust into her mouth, and she was surrounded by friars and familiars, so as to conceal her from the public view. The look Herezuelo cast towards Leonor was the last he gave her on earth. Not another was allowed him.

"Have you become sensible of your errors? and are you prepared to recant them?" "I hold to the doctrines which I have been taught from my earliest days, and which I find clearly set forth in the blessed Word of God. I am, therefore, not aware that I hold any errors," answered Leonor, calmly. "What do you mean by God's holy Word?" asked the Inquisitor. "The Bible," said Leonor, firmly.

To the dislike Queen Leonor felt for the sons of Inez de Castro, owing to Dom Diniz's refusal to kiss her hand, was added the hatred she had borne her sister, who was married to Dom João, another son of Dona Inez, ever since this sister Dona Maria had warned her to have nothing to do with the king; she was also jealous because Dona Maria had had a son while her own two eldest children had died.

I thought that I was thus benefiting you, instead of endeavouring to deprive you of that joy unspeakable which is prepared for those who truly love the Lord, and are ready to give up all for Him." "Oh, believe me, Don Francisco, when I say it, I have nothing to pardon," replied Dona Leonor. "I rejoice to hear of your determination. Alas!

The lady of the mansion, anxious to turn the current of the Bishop's thoughts, and to put a stop to a conversation which was annoying her fearing, indeed, from her knowledge of the man, that it might lead to some proposal still more painful and disagreeable called her young daughter, Leonor de Cisneros, to her. Dona Leonor approached the Bishop with downcast looks.

John the Baptist, his second wife, Queen Maria like the first, Queen Isabel, a daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella and the aunt of his third wife, Leonor. These figures are evidently portraits, and even if they were flattered show that they were not a handsome couple.

"Are you aware that the Bible is prohibited to the laity, and that, were it not so, it is not susceptible of any private interpretation?" asked the Inquisitor. "I am aware that without the aid of God's Holy Spirit, which when Christ ascended up on High, He promised to us as our Instructor and Enlightener, we cannot expect to read aright this blessed Gospel," said Leonor.

Leonor and his monks, or those who drew to his grave the corpse of the Irish hermit Kellac, or those who came out of the forest to supply the place of St.