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The people in Messina are friendly and honor age, for, while you jeer at me, they remember the old woman, and will send me a beautiful matron's-robe for the future wedding." The invalid looked inquiringly at his daughter, and the latter answered, blushing: "Semestre has told me. She informed me, while I was cutting the cloth, that Leonax would come as a suitor."

"I still remember perfectly how Leonax returned in those days. What woman might not have been jealous of his enthusiasm for the Roman Hera?

She knew that the artist Leonax, Barine's father, had been Charmian's lover; but this did not justify her favouring the woman who had robbed her niece of the heart of the man whom she as Charmian knew had loved from childhood.

Our master's nephew, Leonax, Alciphron's son, will accompany his uncle and stay for a week or longer as a guest, not over yonder with Protarch, but here in our house.

"And that is ?" "Weariness. Thousands are worse, and few better, than your cousin; yes, the maiden he chooses for his wife may rejoice." Xanthe blushed, and the dwarf, as he entered the gate, asked: "Is Leonax wooing his little cousin?" "Perhaps." "But the little cousin has some one else in her mind." "Who told you so?" "My hens."

Wouldn't it be better for you to go and cut the roses immediately, my dove? Make haste, for the vessel for which you are to watch bears your happiness. How beautiful the ornaments Leonax is bringing will look! We have never yet seen the like, I imagine. The people in Messina haven't forgotten poor me either, for I heard whispers about a robe such as matrons wear.

Then snatching a small tablet from the dressing-table, she scrawled upon the wax with a rapid hand: "Cleopatra, the Queen, desires to see Barine, the daughter of Leonax, without delay. She must obey any command of Iras, Cleopatra's messenger, and her companion." Then, closing the diptychon, she handed it to her attendant, asking: "Whom will you take?" She answered without hesitation, "Alexas."

Jason told me yesterday evening that our uncle Alciphron had wooed you for his son Leonax, and was sure of finding a favorable reception from old Semestre and your poor father. I went at once to ask you if it were true, but turned back again, for there were other things to be done, and I thought we belonged to each other, and you could not love any one so well as you loved me.

"May he fare better than Alkamenes and the others, whom you sent home! You know I will not force your inclinations, but, if I am to lose Mopsus, I should like a pleasant son. Why has Phaon fallen into such foolish, evil ways? The young Leonax " "Is of a different stamp," interrupted Semestre " Now come, my dove, I have a thousand things to do." "Go," replied Xanthe. "I'll come directly.

Barine's marriage to the man who possessed her heart was close at hand, and she was the daughter of Leonax, who had once been dear to her.