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"Leighlie, my frontier is where the Spanish yoke hangs heavy on the necks of slaves. I must go and win it. I must drive back my frontier line where I find it, not where my grandfather found it. I must do a man's part in the world's work." His voice was full of earnestness and his dark eyes were glowing with the fire of inspiration.

With a glad cry, she dropped the blossoms and sprang to her feet. "Prince Quippi couldn't come nor write, so he sent me. Will I do for an answer, Leighlie? I was coming back to the blessed old prairies, anyhow; to my father and mother and the life of a farmer.

And if we are storm-stayed, we are storm-stayed, that's all." "You are the comfortablest girl a fellow could have, Leighlie. You aren't a bit scared of storms like " "Yes, like Jo. I can't help it. I never was much of a 'fraid cat, but I don't mind admitting I am fonder of water in lakes and rivers and water-color drawings than thumping down on my head from the little end of a cyclone funnel."

"And I want to help you more than anything. Don't be a still cat, Leighlie. Tell me what you are up to." They had reached the steep hill beyond the Jacobs sheep range where the narrow road with what John Jacobs called "the scary little twist" wound down between high banks to a shadowy hollow leading out to the open trail by the willows along Big Wolf.

"Leighlie, you can't do it. You might pay interest maybe, year in and year out, the gnawing, wearing interest. That's all you'd do even with your hens and butter. Don't undertake the burden." "I've already done it," Leigh declared. "Throw it up. You can't make it," Thaine urged. "I know I can," Leigh maintained stoutly. "You can't." "I can." "How?" Thaine queried hopelessly.

"Jo will write all the letters you'll have time to answer," Leigh asserted. "Oh, she says she's going to Lawrence too, if her pa-paw is elected County Treasurer. We'll be in the University together. You'll just have to write to me, Leighlie." "Not unless you go to China. I'll send you a letter there like I used to send to Prince Quippi." There was a sudden pathos in her tone. "Will you?