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Meanwhile he exchanged greetings with the star a clear-eyed man with the face of a scholar and the limbs of an athlete. The latter had studied for the law; he had the drollest legs in the business, and his salary exceeded that of Supreme Court Justice. They were talking when Mr. Regan returned to tell the interviewer that he would be received.

Standing close to the wall of the shed is a cattle crib a kind of big square box or trough on legs, in which hay or chaff is put for the cattle. The shed is not very high, and by standing on the crib we can scramble on to the roof. Here is the plant we want to see. It is the Houseleek, of which a clump is growing between the tiles.

And I drew back instinctively, not daring to look at it, as though I feared I might fall out myself. "Jean, dumfounded, stood motionless. "They brought the poor girl in with both legs broken. She will never walk again. "Jean, wild with remorse and also possibly touched with gratitude, made up his mind to marry her. "There you have it, old man." It was growing dusk.

She did not have to wonder very long, however, for the object soon rose on two legs and was plainly a human being. What should be done? Miss McMurtry did not wish to alarm the younger girls, when there was no possible reason for fear, and yet she was annoyed, for if some one were trying to spy upon them at this hour the intruder must be summarily dealt with.

The business-like air with which two of them will join hands and proceed due east at a break-neck toddle, while an excitable big sister is roaring for them to follow her in a westerly direction, is most amusing except, perhaps, for the big sister. They walk round a soldier, staring at his legs with the greatest curiosity, and poke him to see if he is real.

He looked again, and so became aware of a Vision in pink, standing just in front of a big pine above him on the hill and surveying him with mischievous eyes. Surprise froze him, his legs straddled, his hat on one side, his mouth open. The Vision began to pick its way down the hill, eyeing him the while. That dancing scrutiny seemed to mesmerize him.

Then he threw down his sword and tucking up his skirt, drew near unto Kanmakan, and they gripped each other. But the Bedouin found that Kanmakan had the better of him and outweighed him, as the quintal outweighs the dinar; and he looked at his legs and saw that they were as firmly planted as two well-builded minarets or two tent-poles driven into the ground or two immovable mountains.

"Then I reckon we had better keep the hosses' legs moving lively," replied Life, as he hurried his steed to his best paces. They soon reached the forest, which extended from one of greater extent on the other side of the pike, though the scouts passed through only a projecting corner of it.

In fine, she was exactly the girl to find Sir Nigel's domineering temperament at once imposing and attractive, so long as it was cloaked by the ceremonies of external good breeding. Her sister Bettina, who was still a child, was of a stronger and less susceptible nature. Betty at eight had long legs and a square but delicate small face.

Let me advise you do not learn our language too quickly. He shook his head and moved towards the open window. 'See to your girths before you mount, eh? Here is the verandah, where it is pleasant in the afternoon. Shall we be seated? That chair has but three legs allow me! this one is better. He spoke with the grave courtesy of his countrymen.