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From the first he had felt great contempt for the old house, its master, servants and all; and had come to the conclusion that "they were of no ’count anyhow." This opinion would doubtless have been reserved for Leffie’s ear had not affairs taken so unexpected a turn. Now, however, Rondeau felt at liberty to express his mind so freely that Ike considered it his duty to resent the insult.

On passing the kitchen, he "just looked in a little," and the sight of Leffie’s bright eyes and rosy lips made him forgetful of his promise. Going up to her, he announced his intention of kissing her.

Strolling down to the lake shore, he amused himself for a time by watching the waves as they dashed against the pebbly beach, and by fancying that each of them reflected the image of Leffie’s bright, round face. Then buttoning up his coat he would strut back and forth, admiring his shadow, and thinking how much more the coat became him than it did his young master. It had been given to him by Dr.

William Middleton returned to New Orleans, and Dr. Lacey sent with him his servant Rondeau, nothing loath to return home, for Leffie’s face of late had haunted him not a little. Dr. Lacey’s return to Mrs. Crane’s gave great satisfaction to Mrs.

Rondeau, Leffie and the other blacks belonging to the establishment, now came forward, and in the crowd little Jack’s bow was entirely unappreciated; but Fanny next day made amends by giving him nearly a pound of candy, which had the effect of making him sick a week, but he got well in time to be present at Leffie’s wedding, which took place just a week after Dr. Lacey’s return.

"Why, yes," answered Rondeau, "that’s what I’m going to tell. Right in the middle of the fuss I heard something moving softly down the stairs, and I saw a thing all as white as snow. Her hair, which was about the color of Leffie’s neckreal handsomewas hanging in long curls down her back. I thought it was an angel, and kinder touched her as she passed, to see if she had wings.