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Many's the time I've listened to poor Morris rave and paint his pictures of what he was going to do in times to come; and on the other side of the coffin-table, Hume would urge him on, leerin' and grinnin' like Satan himself, and making all manner of game of him.

Faith, I've known Costello to open a wound 'just to see if it was healthy, sez he, an' the patient screamin' 'Holy murther! all the while, and old 'Cos' leerin' down at him and sayin': 'Does it hurt? Go on now, does it? Well, we'll thry this one and see if that does, too, and in 'ud go the lance again. I tell ye it's the Christian he is!" He stopped abruptly. "How me tongue runs on.

Him there leerin' and scoffin'! One bang at his nose was worth forty dollars to me that minute! How did you stand it, Bill?" "How did I stand it?" cried the cowboy in a quivering voice. "How did I stand it? Oh!" The old man burst into sudden brogue. "I'd loike to take that Swade," he wailed, "and hould 'im down on a shtone flure and bate 'im to a jelly wid a shtick!"

He kep' back her letter, and he says to me, leerin' at me out of his wicked eyes, 'Your livestock seems to be the strayin' kind. The man she went off with give me that, he lugged a gold piece out of his clothes and showed me, 'give me that, he says, 'to keep it quiet. He kep' it quiet! Half starved and sick's I was, the strength was in me.

Do you mean I've been bunked? I spoke up sharp; but I was feelin' pretty sick, for I just remembered that we didn't register that sample when we mailed it to the assayer. "'Your nugget's been seen, and sawed, and smeltered. Got that? As part of the skulduggery they been slippin' to young Stan, your package has been opened, says Petey, leerin' at me. 'Great Scott!

Young Bannister an' Calder will be drinkin' in the saloon, an' six months hence the Board o' Trade 'll gie the skipper a pair o' binoculars. It's vara philanthropic all round. "We'll lay by till day ye may think we waited for it wi' sore eyes an' there sat the Grotkau, her nose a bit cocked, just leerin' at us. She looked paifectly ridiculous.

About th' time Mars was r-ready to quit an' go home to do th' Spring plowin', Backis handed him a jigger iv kerosene an' says: 'That fellow over there is leerin' at ye. Ar-re ye goin' to stand that? an' Mars bustled in. Th' barkeeper an' th' banker ar-re behind ivry war. "Well, in former times th' Governmint kept a saloon f'r th' sojers.

An' many's the chap as 'as come leerin' after 'er as I've sent away with a flea in 'is ear. Cuss 'em all; they's all bad alike about purty gals, men is. She's never comed to no wrong through me. Didn't I ammost kill a real sailor capting when I used to live in the East End 'cause he tried to meddle with 'er? An' worn't that the reason why I left my 'um close to Radcliffe 'Ighway an' comed 'ere?

We chases around the block and rings up the janitor of the flat buildin'. He's a wrinkled, blear-eyed old pirate, just on his way to the corner with a tin growler. "Yah! You won't git in to sell him no books," says he, leerin' at us. "Think so?" says I, displayin' a quarter temptin'. "Maybe if we had his name, though, and knew something about him, we might "