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And floating about wherever we look are butterflies innumerable, many dull and unpretentious, but some of a brilliancy of colour that makes us gasp with pleasure. We may be pouring with perspiration, pestered by flies and mosquitoes, and in constant dread of leeches.

The door of Fred's room was ajar, and she entered. Aunt Geoffrey, Bennet, and Judith were standing round the bed, her aunt sponging away the blood that was flowing from Frederick's temples. His eyes were closed, and he now and then gave long gasping sighs of oppression and faintness. "Leeches!" thought Henrietta, as she started with consternation and displeasure. "This is pretty strong!

Hopeless it seemed for a vassal to love one so far above him as his sovereign's daughter; so he gave himself up to despair, and his disease grew so sore that the most skilful leeches of Earl Rohand's court were unable to cure his complaint. In vain they let him of blood or gave him salve or potion. "There is no medicine of any avail," the leeches said.

"You foul-mouthed old charlatan," cried Denys, "the arbalest is shouldered by taller men than ever stood in Rhenish hose, and even now it kills as many more than your noisy, stinking arquebus, as the lancet does than all our toys together. Go to! He was no fool who first called you 'leeches. Sang-sues! va!" Gerard groaned. "By the holy virgin, I wish you were both at Jericho, bellowing.

'You are in a nice state of confugion, Mr Sweedlepipes, you are! said Mrs Gamp, shaking her head; 'and my opinion is, as half-a-dudgeon fresh young lively leeches on your temples, wouldn't be too much to clear your mind, which so I tell you. Wot were they a-talkin' on, and wot was in the papers? 'All about it! cried the barber. 'What else do you suppose?

Guy murmured, "Felice: if one might find and bring Felice to me, I yet might live." "Felice?" the leeches said among themselves, and shook their heads, "It is not in the herbal. Felice? Felix? No, there is no plant of that name." "No herb is Felice," sighing answered Guy, "but a flower the fairest flower that grows." "He is light-headed," they said. "The flower Felice?

M. Boudin had prescribed leeches and blisters. ``Look at that now, monsieur, Helene said to the witness. ``To-morrow's Rosalie's name-day, and they're going to put leeches on her! Rather disturbed, M. Bidard wrote to Dr Pinault, who came next day and gave the treatment his approval. Dr Boudin had said the invalid might have gooseberry syrup with seltzer water.

Dark leeches writhe upon their prey, a chunk of earthworm; thousands of tiny, reddish grubs, future mosquitoes, go spinning around and twist and curve like so many graceful dolphins.

And the ma'm'selle excellent, excellent; and a face, such a face, and a seat like leeches in the saddle. And you a British officer mewed up to kick your heels till gallows day! So droll, my dear!" "But will you fetch Voban?" I asked. "To trim your hair against the supper to-night eh, like that?"

Obstinate constipation in the bowels, chills and exposure, are also fruitful sources. Much worry and anxiety also bring on this serious illness. All sometimes combine to produce a bad case. Pain in the head sets in, followed by convulsive attacks; yet the trouble may be cured in many cases with comparative ease. Leeches, opium, and blistering are to be avoided as most injurious.