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"Nay, a murrain on thee! an' thou wilt go, go!" cried he at last, with a savage dig of his heels into the animal's ribs, and away they clattered, the led-horse kicking up its heels as a final parting, setting Gascoyne fairly alaughing.

"We will take him to his own place it is near and coax the papers out of him; then we'll find a precipice and toss him over. It is a simple matter." Zmai handed Chauvenet the revolver he had taken from the silent man on the horse. "I am ready," he reported. "Go ahead; we follow;" and they started toward the bungalow, Zmai riding beside the captive and holding fast to the led-horse.

A very light carriage, sometimes driven by my servant and sometimes by myself, will transport the moderate wardrobe which I shall deem it necessary to take with me to the outermost verge of civilization and good roads, where leaving carriage and wardrobe, or at least all of the latter which may not be borne by a led-horse, I shall penetrate still further into the old forests of this New World.

She was almost too frightened to answer; Berkley stood like a statue, awaiting dismissal, and later the certain consequences of guard running. And, aware of her fright, Arran turned quietly to Berkley: "Private Ormond," he said, "there is a led-horse in my escort, in charge of Private Burgess. It is the easier and safer route to camp. You may retire."

Get it and ride it to Judge Claiborne's stables; and ask and answer no questions." A moment later he was riding toward the gate, the led-horse following. He flung himself down, adjusting the stirrups and gave her a hand into the saddle. They turned silently into the mountain road. "The bridge would have been simpler and quicker," said Shirley; "as it is, I shall be late to the ball."

They will kill you first, and ask how you were called afterwards. Your father is much afraid." "My mother would not be afraid; she knows," muttered Rachel to herself, as she sprang to the saddle of the led-horse. Then, without more words, they began to gallop back towards the camp.

He was a mild man, genial and good, and little apt for promotion. He interlarded his conversation with official remarks to show a zeal he never felt, telling one man that his tracks were slack, and another that his led-horse was shirking, and after each official remark he returned up abeam of me to tell me more of the riches and splendour of Rheims.