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"That means: 'Oh, come!" said Manlius laughing, propping himself carelessly on one elbow upon his couch. Carinus ordered his lectica to be brought, and had himself lifted into it. "No man has ever done that," whispered the barber, filled with envy; "given up his own bride to another." "Meanwhile you are the ruler of Rome," said Carinus to Manlius. "Let the fellow who writes my name come.

This is what he says: "Nocte quadam simulacrum in lectica supinum ponitur, et per numeros digestis fletibus plangitur: deinde cum se ficta lamentatione satiaverint lumen infertur: tunc a sacerdote omnium qui flebant fauces unguentur, quibus perunctis sacerdos hoc lento murmure susurrit: 'Have courage, O initiates of the saviour-god, For there will be salvation for us from our toils

She probably reached the scene of the spectacle in season, while I, with these two mules and two asses, lost my way so completely that I am obliged to return to Rome." Manlius held his breath as he listened to the parasite's words. "Who was this woman?" he asked in a hollow tone. "Don't you know her lectica, Manlius?

The bearers protested loudly at the weight of their burden when they lifted the lectica, but the promise of a little extra pay silenced their complaints. They were scarcely beyond the city when Beric, who was weaker from loss of blood than he imagined, dozed off to sleep, and did not wake till the lectica was set down in the atrium of the house on the Alban Hills.

Now I will get a lectica and have you carried out to the hills. You are not fit to walk." They were joined outside by Porus and Lupus. The former was warm in his congratulation. "By the gods, Beric, though I knew well that you would gain a great triumph in the arena when your time came, I never thought to see you thus fighting with the beasts unarmed.

He could already see the colossal outlines of the Mesembrius villa, when he perceived in the road a magnificent lectica, inlaid with mother-of-pearl and hung with silk curtains, such as in those days only the most aristocratic women used in traveling. Two splendidly caparisoned sumpter mules were harnessed to the four poles, beside which marched two slaves.

Long files of chariots were encountered carrying provisions to soldiers garrisoned on the frontier, or the State-distributed corn of the Roman people to the sea-ports; or again, from time to time, the lectica, brought along by slaves or mules, of a bishop on a visitation; and then the litter, with close-drawn curtains, of a matron or some great personage.

Manlius could not repress a smile at the singular situation of the panegyrist. "Oho, Ævius, how long has the Cæsar had you carried about in a lectica like an aristocratic courtesan?" "Be merciful, Manlius, and do not jeer at me. I am the most miserable writer of verse since Pegasus became the steed of poets. Just think what a favorable opportunity presented itself to secure immortality.

Then turning she passed out of the door, entered her lectica and was carried away. "I must apologize to you, my friends," Norbanus said calmly, "for having brought you to be present at an unpleasant family scene, but I had not expected it, and know not through whom Lesbia obtained the news of what was doing here. I suppose one of the slaves carried it to her.

He has never forgiven you the thrashing you administered to him. Now I suppose he will be sulky for weeks; but if he does it will be worse for him, for I will cut off his wine, and that will soon bring him to his senses." Scopus had gone but a few minutes when he returned with a lectica, which was a sort of palanquin, carried by four stout countrymen.