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We were as much heroes as anybody else, except Peter, and were so recognized; we were taken with Peter and the populace to Peter's mother's cottage, and there we ate bread and cheese, and drank milk and beer with everybody, and had a most sociable good time; and when we left we had a handshake all around, and were receiving and shouting back LEB' WOHL's until a turn in the road separated us from our cordial and kindly new friends forever.

We were as much heroes as anybody else, except Peter, and were so recognized; we were taken with Peter and the populace to Peter's mother's cottage, and there we ate bread and cheese, and drank milk and beer with everybody, and had a most sociable good time; and when we left we had a handshake all around, and were receiving and shouting back LEB' WOHL's until a turn in the road separated us from our cordial and kindly new friends forever.

There is an accent of passionate grief in Lohengrin's words to Elsa, and of remorse in Elsa's wailings; but the most touching thing in this final scene is the song in which he hands her his sword, horn and ring, to be given to her brother should he return. The note of regret, especially in the poignant "leb' wohl," reminds one irresistibly of Wotan's farewell to Brünnhilda.

Wir alle reden eine Sprach' Und stehen air fur eine Sach' Im ehrenvoilen Streit!" "Und wer sich feig entzieht dem Kampf Fur Freiheit und fur Ehr', Wer nicht das Schwertergreift zur Stund! Der leb' und sterb' als schlechter Hund, Der sei kein Deutscher mehr!" And honor's path pursue. Since all one common language speak And all one sacred object seek, Your jealousies subdue.

School teachers have told me that they have great difficulty in persuading the children to greet foreigners because these so seldom respond. Yet few things are more pleasant than the friendly "Grüsse," or "Grüss Gott," or "Leb wohl," with which one is greeted by the people of the country.

Lada u'm da leb kumta, la'u klan na ka jaka ka b'ym sang ruh un háp jingaingúh ha ka.

Fraulein standing on the top step pressed both her hands and murmured words of farewell. "Leb' wohl, mein Kind, Gott segne dich." "Good-bye, Fraulein," she said stiffly, shaking hands. The door was shut with a slam the light seemed to go down. Miriam glanced at it half the dull green muslin shade had slipped over the gas-globe. The carriage seemed dark. The platform outside was very bright.

Glaenzt deine /Urn/ dereinst in majestaets'chen /Pompe/, Dann weint der /Patriot/ an deinem /Katacombe/. Doch leb! dein /Torus/ sey von edler Brut ein /Nest/, Steh' hoch wie der /Olymp/, wie der /Parnassus/ fest! Kein /Phalanx/ Griechenland mit roemischen /Ballisten/ Vermoeg /Germanien/ und Hendel zu verwuesten.

"I mean," said Leb, in a most sympathetic manner, approaching still nearer to Selde, "that maybe you had to make your daughter marry him." "Make? And have we, then, made her?" moaned Selde, staring at the fool with a look of uncertainty. "Then nobody needs to search for her," replied the fool, with a sympathetic laugh, at the same time retreating. "It's better to leave her where she is."

We shall have to separate physiologically things which in consciousness exist undivided, since a philosophic description is bound to be analytic and cannot render everything at once. Fahr hin, Walhall's Leuchtende Welt!... Leb' wohl, pragende Götter Pracht!