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A hundred thousan' of good running meat in the herd, an' ten thousan' wolves an' cats a-followin' an' livin' off the stragglers an' the leavin's. We leave the leavin's. The herd's movin' to the east, an' we'll be followin' 'em any day now. We eat our dogs, an' what we don't eat we smoke 'n cure for the spring before the salmon-run gets its sting in.

"He might," urged one of his critics, "hev given the boys, that had worked alongside o' him in the ditches by day, and slung lies with him around the camp-fire by night, he might hev given them a square 'blow out, and kep' the leavin's for his old Spindler crew, just as other families do.

"Them Palmetto boys were mighty keerless after they'd made their big 'strike' and got to work on the vein, and I reckon they threw a lot of gold away," said Cy Parker, who remembered their large-handed recklessness in the "flush days." "On'y that WE didn't think it was white man's work to rake over another man's leavin's, we might hev had what them derned Chinamen hev dropped into.

I see the courts have decided against the widow and children, and so they'll have to worry off about five or six millions for the poor lady he duped so outrageously with a checker on the chips. "As fur old Nate Kranil, a lawyer from Cheyenne was tellin' me his numerous widows by courtesy was goin' to form an association and share his leavin's pro raty.

When seals are scarce, and the master don't know where to look for 'em, he is usually glad to drop into some vessel's wake, if it be only to pick up her leavin's." "Outfits are not made on such chances as that. These Vineyard people know where they are going as well as we know ourselves; perhaps better." "There is great confidence aboard here, in the master, Captain Gar'ner.

I say it's just furren countries pieces she's got outer story books, an' yarns she's heard the fishermen tell that's what's she's hankerin' for, Mr. McFarlane. So ye see, as I say, we're all 'baout the same, that way." "When I first seen her," began the Man tentatively, "I could ha' sworn that See here, now! Ain't thar still the leavin's of a redskin outfit up this way?"

'Well, ye canna tak' oop wi' his leavin's anyways. It hasna coom't that, has it? Ye doan't intend settin' all t' parish a laughin' at ye a second occasion? He flushed dully, and bending over his plate, mechanically began his supper. 'Wa dang it, he broke out a minute later, 'd'ye think I heed the cacklin' o' fifty parishes?

Fill your pockets; Mr. Peckham! Fetch a basket, and our hired folks shall fill it full for ye! Send a cart, if y' like, 'n' carry off them leavin's to make a celebration for your pupils with! Only let me tell ye this: as sure 's my name's Hezekiah Spraowle, you 'll be known through the taown 'n' through the caounty, from that day forrard, as the Principal of the Broken-Victuals Institoot!"

"Don't you pester longer Brer Rabbit, honey, en don't you fret 'bout 'im. You'll year whar he went en how he come out. Dish yer col' snap rastles wid my bones, now," continued the old man, putting on his hat and picking up his walking-stick. "Hit rastles wid me monstus, en I gotter rack 'roun' en see if I kin run up agin some Chris'mus leavin's."

"I never liked the way he spoke besides what he said; an' I says to him, 'The bargain was made fer five thousand dollars apiece, says I, 'an' why do we git less? "'Beca'se, says he, a-swellin' up an' lookin' at me red an' devilish, 'beca'se you take my leavin's you fool!