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He had meant to snatch her to his leaping heart and cover her with eager, passionate caresses. But the strong impulse was quelled. He said, almost with a sob: "Is this your promise? Does this mean that you belong to me?" Her breath caressed his cheek as she whispered: "Yes." He was thrilled and intoxicated and tortured at once to know himself her chosen. Ah! why was he not free?

"And we are going to have real frumenty and Yule-cakes, such as mamma used to tell us of when we were abroad." "Hurray!" shouted the mummers, and they ran off, Pax leaping from his seat just in time to hustle the Black Prince in the doorway. When the dining-room door was shut, St. George raised his hand, and said, "Hush!"

"They were yellin' and shootin' out there in the gulch half an hour ago. Have ye heard no more of it, sir?" "No; no sound but the flames." "Glory be to God, thin! D'ye know what it manes, sir?" "I know what I hope," is Drummond's faint answer. "Our fellows are close at hand, for the Indians are clearing out." "Close at hand, is it?" cries Costigan, in wild excitement, leaping to his feet.

For a whole year they lived together in perfect happiness, and two children came to bless their union a boy and a girl born at the same hour. When they were but a month old, they could run; and to see them leaping and playing before the door of their home made the huntsman's heart jump for joy.

The rooms were connected by a door which stood open, for the occupants were twin brothers; their united ages amounting to forty years. "Ned," said the straight one to the bundle. "Did you hear that noise like a cannon-shot?" "Hallo, Ned!" cried Tom, suddenly leaping out of bed and beginning to dress in haste; "why, it's Christmas morning! I had almost forgot. A Merry Christmas to you, my boy!"

"What does all this mean?" said French, looking around from one to the other with a dazed face. Before they could answer, a voice clear and sonorous drew their eyes across the ravine towards Rosenblatt's cabin. At a little distance from the cabin they could distinguish the figure of a man outlined in the lurid light of the leaping flames.

Blame the lark, whose nature vibrates in the sunshine, for pouring from its small throat acres of sound; blame the child, full of bounding health, for laughing, singing, and leaping; blame the musician, whose soul has caught some fragments of the music of eternity, for pouring it forth in song, before you wonder why it is that the true faith which has opened the way from the believer to his Lord produces those greater works.

But first she had to put a fresh log on the andirons, and then work away with the wheezy old bellows, until a leaping flame lighted the shadowy room. The log was green, and, instead of deciding, she found herself listening to the soft bubbling noise of the sap, and thinking that it was the little singing ghosts of the summer birds.

It was even reported; and generally believed, that Farnese himself had been in imminent danger, that Schenk had fired his pistol at him unsuccessfully, and had then struck him on the head with its butt-end, and that the Prince had only saved his life by leaping from his horse, and scrambling through a ditch. But these seem to have been fables.

The cat seemed in no hurry, and Phil had very nearly caught up with him or her, as the case might be when the black cat, having reached the railroad siding, walked under a flat car which stood there, and leaping to one of the truck bars, composed itself, presumably for a nap.