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The German look'd back coolly, and told him he was welcome, if he could reach it. An injury sharpen'd by an insult, be it to whom it will, makes every man of sentiment a party: I could have leap'd out of the box to have redressed it.

The throng kept us from being taken notice of, and gave us the opportunity of prying here and there, what we might filch in a crowd, when Ascyltos, unheeded of any one, took a purse from the ground, in which he found several pieces of gold; we leap'd for joy at so fortunate a beginning; but fearing, lest some or other might seek after it, we slunk out at a back-door, where we saw a groom saddling his horses; but, as having forgotten somewhat, he run into the house leaving behind him an embroider'd mantle, mail'd to one of the saddles: In his absence I cut the straps and under the covert of some out-sheds we made off with it to a neighbouring forest.

Then, turning to pour out his disappointment on his brother tar, he found that the old man had made such good use of his time, as to be entering the gate, most probably felicitating himself on the prospect of reaping the reward of his recent adulation. "He ran this way, and leap'd this orchard wall." Shakspeare. Wilder retired from the field like a defeated man.

"Jack they have horses outside! Leave me I am ta'en and ride, dear lad ride!" In a flash my decision was taken, for better or worse. I dash'd out around the house, vaulted the gate, and catching at Molly's mane, leap'd into the saddle. A dozen troopers were at the gate, and two had their pistols levell'd. "Surrender!" "Be hang'd if I do!" I set my teeth and put Molly at the low wall.

Sonnet 98: From you have I been absent in the spring, When proud-pied April drest in all his trim Hath put a spirit of youth in every thing, That heavy Saturn laugh'd and leap'd with him.

Within the threshold, with his back to me, stood a grey-bearded servant, and totter'd so that the lantern shook in his hand. It sham'd me to lift a pike against one so weak. Instead, I dropp'd it with a clatter, and leap'd forward. The old fellow jumped like a boy, turn'd, and fac'd me with dropp'd jaw, which gave me an opportunity to thrust four or five bullets, not over roughly, into his mouth.

"But see! each muse in LEO'S golden days, Starts from her trance, and trims her wither'd bays; Rome's ancient Genius, o'er its ruins spread, Shakes off the dust, and rears his reverend head; Then Sculpture and her sister arts revive, Stones leap'd to form, and rocks began to live."

The chorus, half incredulous, demand what messenger conveyed the intelligence. Clytemnestra replies: "A gleam a gleam from Ida's height, By the fire god sent, it came; From watch to watch it leap'd that light, As a rider rode the flame!

"Come on, lad," called out a bearded fellow with a bandage over one eye, making room for me at his side; "there's work for plenty more!" and a minute after, a shot took him in the ribs, and he scream'd out "Oh, my God!" and flinging up his arms, leap'd a foot in air and fell on his face.

But we must leave them to meditate over their plans at leisure; no one of which, as they all depended on their previous escape from confinement, seemed in any great chance of being executed. And some for safety took the dreadful leap; Some for the voice of Heaven seem'd calling on them; Some for advancement, or for lucre's sake I leap'd in frolic.