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They lay-to six miles from shore, intending to return in the morning and recover their anchors; but Drake with his division of the fleet, and Seymour with the squadron from the Thames, weighed their anchors and stood off after them, while Howard with his division remained off Calais, where, in the morning, the largest of the four galleasses was seen aground on Calais Bar.

So, fearing that we might get pooped, we now furled the foretopsail and lay-to under our close-reefed maintopsail and storm staysails; thus awaiting what might further be in store for us, although it did not then seem possible that anything could be worse!

They saw a crowd of sailors and passengers leaning over the port rail. "What's the matter?" asked Tom, of the second mate, who was just passing. "Fight between a killer and a whale," was the reply. "The captain has ordered the ship to lay-to so it can be watched." Tom made his way to the rail. About a quarter of a mile away there could be observed a great commotion in the ocean.

Presently the pilot gave an exclamation of surprise and anxiety the tides and currents were bearing them away from the intended landing- place. It was now almost low water, and instead of an immediate shore, there lay before them a vast field of scarred rocks, dimly seen. He gave the signal to lay-to, and himself took the bearings. The tide was going out rapidly, disclosing reefs on either hand.

But there's no help for it till we know our men. Lay-to, and whistle for a wind, that's my view." "Jim here," said the doctor, "can help us more than any one. The men are not shy with him, and Jim is a noticing lad." "Hawkins, I put prodigious faith in you," added the squire.

The signal-man, on the look-out with his glass, reported the gig coming off with the captain; and in obedience to the orders he had received, the first lieutenant immediately hove up, and the anchor having been "catted and fished," the frigate lay-to in the Sound.

Perhaps, after all, it would not, but that the ship's course carried her very nearly across Kate's. The stranger lay-to for her. It was dark by the time Kate steered herself under the ship's quarter; and then was seen an instance of this girl's eternal wakefulness.

"I'll trouble you to lay-to while I come on board," said the detective, while the boat bobbed up and down on the water, close alongside of the schooner. "You've got a gentleman on board a gentleman whom I've got a warrant against.

At this point the destroyers stopped their engines and lay-to. They had done the first part of their work, and must now wait until we had done ours.

"I did think I could have trusted Hands," added the captain. "And to think that they're all Englishmen!" broke out the squire. "Sir, I could find it in my heart to blow the ship up." "Well, gentlemen," said the captain, "the best that I can say is not much. We must lay-to, if you please, and keep a bright look-out. It's trying on a man, I know. It would be pleasanter to come to blows.