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He had never consciously questioned them; he did not question them now; and yet, when a forward, overbearing young infidel of a lawyer put it to him plump as if he were in the witness-box, or rather indeed in the dock did he believe a word of what the church had set him to teach? a strange something was it honesty? if so, how dishonest had he not hitherto been? was it diffidence? if so, how presumptuous his position in that church! this nondescript something seemed to raise a "viewless obstruction" in his throat, and, having thus rendered him the first moment incapable of speaking out like a man, had taught him the next had it? to quibble "like a priest" the lawyer-fellow would doubtless have said!

I knew the whole army to be sore already over fifty like promotions, and foresaw grumbling. 'I bear ye no malice' this was the way that Roger Inch took it, our senior sergeant. 'But you'll allow 'tis disheartening to be set aside for a lawyer-fellow that, a year ago, had never groomed horse-hair but on his own wig. And so but less kindly the rest of my fellow-sergeants expressed themselves.

The bald-headed, sly little lawyer-fellow called out, "Come in come in, Mr. Razumov," with a sort of ironic heartiness. Then turning deferentially to the stranger with the grand air, "A ward of mine, your Excellency. One of the most promising students of his faculty in the St. Petersburg University." To his intense surprise Razumov saw a white shapely hand extended to him.

D'ye know what I use this for? It's for melting bullets." He felt in his waistcoat pocket, drew out a crown-piece, held it for a moment betwixt finger and thumb, and dropped it into the ladle. "They say 'tis the surest way with a witch," said he; then, after a pause, "As for that lawyer-fellow of yours "

I took the goods round by way of Penzance, meaning to deliver them on the return journey; but in Market-jew Street whom should I run up against but the widow herself, sporting it on the arm of a lawyer-fellow called Trudgian. 'Hullo, mistress! says I, 'I've a pack of goods belonging to you that I'm taking round to Porthleven. So she asked what they were, and I told her.

He had never consciously questioned them; he did not question them now; and yet, when a forward, overbearing young infidel of a lawyer put it to him plump as if he were in the witness-box, or rather indeed in the dock did he believe a word of what the church had set him to teach? a strange something was it honesty? if so, how dishonest had he not hitherto been? was it diffidence? if so, how presumptuous his position in that church! this nondescript something seemed to raise a "viewless obstruction" in his throat, and, having thus rendered him the first moment incapable of speaking out like a man, had taught him the next had it? to quibble "like a priest" the lawyer-fellow would doubtless have said!

"Ye ain't hed yer meal yet, Hump," reminded another. Mr. Hump Gibson arose slowly out of the dust, yet he did not stand straight. "Come on, come on!" cried the young lawyer-fellow, and he thrust the point of the rail within a foot of Mr. Gibson's stomach. "Come on, Hump!" howled the crowd, but Mr. Gibson stood irresolute. He lacked the supreme test of courage which was demanded on this occasion.

"Ye ain't hed yer meal yet, Hump," reminded another. Mr. Hump Gibson arose slowly out of the dust, yet he did not stand straight. "Come on, come on!" cried the young lawyer-fellow, and he thrust the point of the rail within a foot of Mr. Gibson's stomach. "Come on, Hump!" howled the crowd, but Mr. Gibson stood irresolute. He lacked the supreme test of courage which was demanded on this occasion.