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The day before, Mr. Lavery, meeting Muriel in the village street, had suggested that Miss Mallory might lend him the barn for a Socialist meeting a meeting, in fact, for the harassing and heckling of Oliver. Had he come now to urge the same plea again? A woman's politics were not, of course, worth remembering! She moved on to a point where, still hidden, she could see the lawn.

The first was Miss Lavery, a handsome, loud-toned young woman. She ran a nursing paper, but her chief interest was in the woman's suffrage question, just then coming rapidly to the front.

Only I just happened to say that papa always read everything he could by those two men and then" she flushed "Well, I don't exactly remember what Mr. Lavery said. But I know that when he'd said it I wouldn't have given up either of those books for the world!" "I hope, Miss Mallory, you won't think of giving them up," said Hugh, with vigor. "It will be an excellent thing for Lavery." Mrs.

The supply is considerable and the names are not historic. Snobbery makes acceptable the portrait of a great lady, though it be by Boldini; and even Mr. Lavery may be welcome if he come with the picture of a king. But how are our ediles to know whether a picture of a commoner, or of some inanimate and undistinguished object, by Degas or Cézanne is good or bad?

She wrestled with these feelings in the wood, but she none the less kept a thick screen between herself and Mr. Lavery. She could never forget that night of her misery when good man that he was! he had brought her the message of his faith. But the great melting moments of life are rare, and the tracts between are full of small frictions.

"Yes, ma'am," said Lavery, touching his hat, "and the whole of it when the owld man dies." Rooney, piously "not that I owe the man any spite but sure he'd be no loss and it's a good wish to any one, sure, to wish them in heaven. Good mornin', Misther Lavery," said Mrs. Rooney, with a patronising smile, and "going the road with a dignified air."

Mick Lavery looked after her with mingled wonder and indignation. "Bad luck to you, you owld sthrap!" he muttered between his teeth. "How consaited you are, all of a sudden by Jakers, I'm sorry I towld you cock you up, indeed put a beggar on horseback to be sure humph! the devil cut the tongue out o' me if ever I give any one good news again.

Brangwyn, a lady in pink by Mr. Lavery, and a fisherman by Mr. Cayley Robinson. A number of Whistler's Venetian etchings may also be seen here, and much characteristic work by Mr. Pennell. Here too are the "Burghers of Calais" and the "Thinker" of Rodin, while a nude by Fantin Latour should be sought for.

Swan, but no single inch further will it be possible to get them to go. Mr. Mouat Loudan, Mr. Lavery, Mr. Mark Fisher, and Mr. Peppercorn have no chance soever. Mr. Mouat Loudan, was rejected this year. Mr. Lavery's charming portrait of Lord McLaren's daughters was still more shamefully treated; it was "skied". Mr.

"I hear you there can't you be quiet and not be disturbin' the mass, you haythens?" Again he proceeded in silence, till the crying of a child interrupted him. He looked round quickly. "You'd better kill the child, I think, thramplin' on him, Lavery. Go out o' that your conduct is scandalous Dominus vobiscum!"