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Now at this time two young gentlemen of Touraine, of whom one was the Cadet of Maille, and the other Sieur de Lavalliere, became brothers-in-arms on the day they gained their spurs.

"I know all that. Tell me, what happened?" "Well," said Mollie, refusing to be hurried, "we thought of our jewelry, looked for it and it was " "Gone!" cried Betty, reading the answer in Mollie's face. "Oh, Mollie, my pin and my bracelet " "Yes, and my gold watch, and Grace's pearl lavallière, and goodness knows how many other things," Mollie finished, in the calmness of despair.

"When they combat here, can they conspire against you, eh?" "Ah! but the Protestants?" "Bah! have them here as well," said she, laughing. "Why, look at Lavalliere, who is suspected to be a Huguenot; he is converted by my dear little Limeuil, who does not play her cards badly for a young lady of sixteen. He will soon have her name down in his list."

Miss Kelly complied with the request at once. She returned in a few moments. "Miss Fulton," she reported, handing the links back to Bristow, "says this is a part of the chain Mrs. Withers wore round her neck night before last. She wore a lavalliere; it had two emeralds and eighteen rather small diamonds." "Good!" exclaimed Greenleaf, glancing at the lame man. "I guess that fixes Perry."

When Maria Monk made her escape, as she states, from the Hotel Dieu Nunnery, she took refuge in the house of a woman named Lavalliere in Elizabeth street, Montreal, the second or third door from the corner of what is commonly called "the Bishop's Church."

But as she still kept her love in the recesses of her heart, she died when Lavalliere fell before Metz, as has been elsewhere related by Messire Bourdeilles de Brantome in his tittle-tattle.

But by my faith I should die of grief, for my life is bound up in my good, young, virtuous wife." Saying which, he turned away his head, in order that Lavalliere should not perceive the tears in his eyes; but the fine courtier saw this flow of water, and taking the hand of Maille

Now at this time two young gentlemen of Touraine, of whom one was the Cadet of Maille, and the other Sieur de Lavalliere, became brothers-in-arms on the day they gained their spurs.

Now one evening the day had been very warm Lavalliere suspecting the lady's games, told her that Maille loved her dearly, that she had in him a man of honour, a gentleman who doted on her, and was ticklish on the score of his crown. "Why then, if he is so ticklish in this manner, has he placed you here?" "Was it not a most prudent thing?" replied he.

He believes he 'made his pile, as he expresses it. Oh, he uses mining expressions, and may have lived roughly and in the open, as miners do, at some time in his life. But not recently, I am sure." "And not a thing about him to identify him?" asked Laura. "Not a thing. Plenty of money. Not much jewelry " "Oh! The lavalliere my brother sold him!" cried Laura.