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Sir, said the damosel unto Sir Gawaine, meseemeth it were your worship to help that dolorous knight, for methinketh he is one of the best knights that ever I saw. I would do for him, said Sir Gawaine, but it seemeth he will have no help. Then, said the damosel, methinketh ye have no lust to help him. Thus as they talked they saw a knight on the other side of the laund all armed save the head.

When the apprentices left the work-room, they were free to do as they liked till seven o'clock, when they must all re-assemble there, answer to their names called over, repeat some prayers after Mrs de la Laund, and go to bed in a large loft at the top of the house. Characters came out on these occasions.

His name was Walter Baldocke, a canon sometime in Dunstable, and by king Richard promoted to the priorship of Laund. Owen Glendouer, according to his accustomed manner, robbing and spoiling within the English borders, caused all the forces of the shire of Hereford to assemble togither against them, vnder the conduct of Edmund Mortimer earle of March.

The Laird wis aye spakin' and spakin' o' getting yon things 'at they ca' lichthooses upo' wir isles, and he wad say hoo puir seafaring men wis drooned, and ships broken into shallmillins upo' the baus and skerries a' for want o' a licht upo' the laund. And, thinks I, there's plenty o' pates in Boden, and a gude pair o' haunds here tae mak a roogue 'at should lowe a muckle lowe ony nicht.

AND therewith he passed unto the one side of the laund; and on the other side saw Sir Gawaine ten knights that hoved still and made them ready with their shields and spears against that one knight that came by Sir Gawaine. Then this one knight aventred a great spear, and one of the ten knights encountered with him, but this woful knight smote him so hard that he fell over his horse's tail.

Mrs De la Laund stopped work when the cathedral bell tolled for vespers that is, at four o'clock. "You look tired, Antigone," said Emma to her nearest neighbour, a pale girl of eighteen. "Tired? Of course I'm tired," was the unpromising answer. "Where's the good? One must go on." "She does not like the work," said the girl on the other side of her. "Do you?" responded Antigone, turning to her.

With this he breaketh from the sweet embrace Of those fair arms, that bound him to her breast, And homeward through the dark laund runs apace: Look how a bright star shooteth from the sky! So glides he in the night from Venus' eye. Venus and Adonis, 1. 811. No man was ever yet a great poet without being at the same time a profound philosopher.

For a wonder, all join in the praise. "He's an honour to the town; he's a pride to the country. Thof he's such a friend at a pinch, he's a rale mon of business. He'll make the baunk worth a million! And how well he spoke at the great county meeting about the war, and the laund, and them bloodthirsty Mounseers! If their members were loike him, Muster Fox would look small!"

And they came to a black laund; and there was a black hawthorn, and thereon hung a black banner, and on the other side there hung a black shield, and by it stood a black spear great and long, and a great black horse covered with silk, and a black stone fast by. THERE sat a knight all armed in black harness, and his name was the Knight of the Black Laund.

For a wonder, all join in the praise. "He's an honour to the town; he's a pride to the country. Thof he's such a friend at a pinch, he's a rale mon of business. He'll make the baunk worth a million! And how well he spoke at the great county meeting about the war, and the laund, and them bloodthirsty Mounseers! If their members were loike him, Muster Fox would look small!"