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His ship's launching-tubes were at the ready. It should be able to pour out a cloud of missiles. In fact, a sardonic voice came from the battleship. "Calling pirate," said the voice. "Yes," said Bors. "If you wish to surrender " "We don't," said Bors. "I was about to say," said the sardonic voice, "that it is now too late."

There were boomings, which rose to bellowings as devastation tore away from the Isis's launching-tubes. Bors said irritably to the rocket-room: "Take her up!" And then the ship lifted on her rockets they were not solely for emergency use, as on cargo-ships and rushed toward the sky. As the ship mounted on its column of writhing smoke, other smoky columns spouted up. Six of them.

"Uh-uh!" said Mike instantly. "They smash the Platform when we get to it! They smash us both up together. Where'll we be at contact-time, Joe?" "Over the Indian Ocean, south of the Bay of Bengal, to be exact," said Joe. "But we'll be moving fast. The worst of it is that it's going to take time to get in the airlock and unload our guided missiles and get them in the Platform's launching-tubes.

The radar-screen showed tiny specks darting out from that larger speck which was the battleship. They came hurtling toward the Isis. Bors counted them. A ship of the Isis's class mounted eighteen launching-tubes. She should be able to fire eighteen missiles at a time. The Mekinese ship had fired nineteen.