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Whenever I go southward, if it be only twenty miles, I begin to look out for the south, pre- pared as I am to find the careless grace of those lati- tudes even in things of which it may, be said that they may be south of something, but are not southern.

Night came on with the rapidity peculiar to these low lati- tudes, and I glided gently up to Andre, and slipped the piece of biscuit into his hand as "a present from myself." The young man clutched at it eagerly. "But my father?" he said, inquiringly.

A few cases of preserved meat and biscuit and some barrels of water, that floated between the masts after the submersion of the deck, have been hoisted to the top-mast and fastened firmly to the stays. These are now our only provisions. The day was very hot. December in lati- tude 16 deg.

To bring the plot to a successful issue it remained only to effect the landing of the colony upon territory north of the 41 st parallel of north lati tude, to take it out of the London Company's jurisdiction, and to do this it was only necessary to make Jones Master of the ship and to instruct him accordingly.

And there above the high altar hangs his sword, given him by Pope Paul III, his friend and enemy. There, too, in the left aisle is the Doria chapel, with a picture of Andrea and his wife kneeling before our Lord. In the crypt, which was decorated in stucco by Montorsoli, you may see his tomb. Questo è quel Doria, che fa dai Pirati Sicuro il vostro mar per tutti i lati.

Italian aeroplanes attacked the railway stations of San Bona di Piava, Livenca and Lati Sana, while Austrian airmen bombed the stations of Verona, Ala and Vicenza. Since June 1, 1916, 9,700 Italians, including 184 officers, had been captured, as well as thirteen machine guns and five cannons.