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But tell me first, my kind lassy, for I see you are a kind lassy, tell me, has not this house had a change of fortune, and fallen to decay of late? for the inn at Bannow was pictured to me as a bra' neat place. Biddy. Ah! that was, may-be, the time the Larkens had it? Mr. H. The Larkens! that was the very name: it warms my heart to hear the sound of it. Biddy.

What sort of a lassy is the cobbler's daughter? or has the cobbler a daughter?" "She is hump-backed, luckily," said Dr. Campbell, coolly. "That does not signify," said Lady Catherine; "I'm convinced she is at the bottom of the whole mystery; for I once heard Mr.

One of them is lounging in a lassy rocking-chair, while the other sits more primly and is industriously sewing. "I suppose you 'll be glad enough to see George when he comes to-night to take you back to the city? I'm afraid you find it pretty dull here," said the latter, with an intonation of uneasy responsibility sufficiently attesting that the brilliant-looking girl opposite was a guest.

"What aboot it, lassy?" said a young fisherman; "it's Antonio I'm feared for; save him, lassy, if poessible; but I doot ye'll no get him clear o' yon deevelich heathen. "Auld Sandy's cheap sairved," added he, with all the indifference a human tone could convey. "Oh, Cursty," said Lizzie Johnstone, with a peevish accent, "dinna break the bonny yarn for naething." "He's a' reicht." Christie.

"An so this is your grand scheme, eh, sir?" "This is my scheme, Jennet," said Potts, "and a notable scheme it is, my little lass. Think it over. "Boh, ey am neaw witch, ey tell ye, mon," cried Jennet, angrily. "But you're a witch's bairn, my little lassy," replied Potts, "and that's just as bad, and you'll grow up to be a witch in due time that is, if your career be not cut short.

Mr. Biddy. Oh, it's not up at all, your honour, sure! but down here through this ways. Mr. H. One word more, my gude lassy. As soon as we shall have all dined, and you shall have ta'en your ane dinner, I shall beg of you, if you be not then too much tired, to show me the way to that bush of Bannow, whereat this Widow Larken's cottage is. Biddy.

A sound kick from the disgusted officer changed its character, and induced a retreat at the very moment when the mistress of the pugnacious quadruped entered to the rescue. "Lassy me! Flo, what is the matter?" cried the sympathizing lady, with a scrutinizing glance leveled at the gentleman. It might as well have lighted on a feather bed.

Oh! if that's all, after dinner the whiskey punch will make 'em spake, I'll engage. Biddy. 'Tis I that am glad they've taken themselves away, for there's no cooking with all the men in the fire. Enter Mr. ANDREW HOPE, Drum-major. Mr. H. A gude day to you, my gude lassy. Biddy. The same to you, sir, and kindly. I beg your pardon for not knowing would it be the drum-major, sir? Mr.

Then, I thank you, sir, and I wouldn't doubt ye and it would be very well for a common boy that could only dig; but my brother's no common boy, sir. Owen. Oh, Mabel! Mabel. Hush, Owen! for it's the truth I'm telling, and if to your face I can't help it. You may hide the face, but I won't hide the truth. Mr. H. Then speak on, my warm-hearted lassy, speak on. Mabel.

Blazes sprawled on bounding tyres. Liver and bacon. Steak and kidney pie. Right, sir. Right, Pat. Mrs Marion. Met him pike hoses. Smell of burn. Of Paul de Kock. Nice name he. What's this her name was? A buxom lassy. Marion... Tweedy. Yes. Is she alive? And kicking. She was a daughter of... Daughter of the regiment. Yes, begad. I remember the old drummajor.