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Medal of Honor. John Bauer, 104. Gold Medal. Oscar Bergman, 101. Sculpture Gold Medal. Gottfried Larsson, 100. Medals Gold Medal. Eric Lindberg, 99. Uruguay Section. Oil Painting Gold Medal. Manuel Rose, 19. For plan of rooms and national sections in the Palace of Fine Arts, see map on page 8. The Exposition Illuminated

The schoolmaster kept still and let them rage. Bullet Gunner, Ljung Björn, and Krister Larsson led the attack. Hök Matts, who was the innocent cause of all the trouble, rose to his feet time and again and begged them to be quiet, but no one listened to him.

Thereupon he explained to the eagle how he had fallen into captivity and how Clement Larsson had left Skansen without setting him free. Nevertheless the eagle would not relinquish his plan. "Listen to me, Thumbietot," he said. "My wings can carry you wherever you wish to go, and my eyes can search out whatever you wish to find.

Yet among all those whom Karin had heard preach, not one could give her any consolation. A blacksmith named Birger Larsson had a smithy close by the highroad. His shop was small and dark, with a low door, and an aperture in place of a window. Birger Larsson made common knives, mended locks, put tires on wheels and on sled runners. When there was nothing else to be done, he forged nails.

Swedish painters are heroic in method, very lavish with their pigments, and generous in the size of their canvases. Some of the pictures, in fact, like "The Swans" by Liljefors, are too large to be seen to the best advantage in the small rooms where they hang. Liljefors won the grand prize, and Gustav Fjaestad the medal of honor, for Swedish painting; Larsson, the grand prize for water color.

It may seem strange that Clement Larsson had not restored the boy's liberty, but one must remember how excited the little fiddler had been when he left Skansen. The morning of his departure he had thought of setting out the midget's food in a blue bowl, but, unluckily, he had been unable to find one.

We have but one king the daughter of the immortal Gustavus!" Then up spoke one of the leading representatives of the peasant class, Lars Larsson, the deputy from the western fiords. "Who is this daughter of Gustavus?" he demanded. "How do we know this is no trick of yours, Axel Oxenstiern? How do we know that King Gustavus has a daughter? We have never seen her."

Bruno Liljefors, 100. Medal of Honor. Gustaf Fjaestad, 107. Gold Medals. Elsa Backlund-Celsing, 104; Wilhelm Behm, 103; Alfred Bergstrom, 103; Oscar Hullgren, 103; Gottfrid Kallstenius, 100, 104; Helmer Mas-Olle, 102; Hehner Osslund, 102; Emil Osterman, 106; Wilhelm Smith, 100, 103, 106; Axel Torneman, 100, 104. Water Color, Miniature Paintings and Drawings Grand Prize. Carl Larsson, 101.

The accomplished Swedish critic, Georg Nordensvan, opens his monograph on Carl Larsson with the statement that the latter is unquestionably the most popular artist of the present day in his own country, and that he is equally popular as a man. It is not often that the personality of an artist seems so essentially connected with his work as in Larsson's case.

"How will you dry yourself now?" inquired Carl in a tone of uneasiness and vexation. "O, easily, I will call on Mother Larsson and borrow a dress to wear while we visit our father, and my clothing will be dry by the time we return." Carl was silent. He was displeased because Magde had not called him to her assistance.