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The position of honour was given to a young and brilliant nobleman, M. de Bévallan, whose estate joined that of the Laroque family. I gathered from Mlle. Hélouin that it was his ambition to unite the two estates by marrying Mlle. Marguerite Laroque.

Laroque, on his knees, laughed suddenly, and thrust his hand inside. "What did I tell you, eh?" he chuckled. "I got the straight tip, eh? Four thousand, if there's a cent!" Laroque began to remove what were evidently packages of banknotes from the safe but Jimmie Dale was no longer watching the scene. He had edged suddenly back into the doorway of the hall, and was listening now intently.

They rush at me, they knock me down, they make their escape, but I recognise one of them it is Mister the young Archman, who I have many times seen at The Sphinx Cafe yes. Well, and then on the floor I find a letter." He grinned wickedly again. "Have you the letter that I find Mister Barca?" "Sure," said Gentleman Laroque and reached into his pocket.

The fate of Frenchy Virat, the fate of the Wolf, and, added to this, the Gray Seal's intervention in the plans and purposes of one Gentleman Laroque and certain gentlemen still higher up than Laroque, had not passed unmarked or unnoticed in the underworld. And now in the underworld a strange, ominous and far-reaching disquiet reigned.

I have heard it said that Gentleman Laroque, with his gangsters behind him, would stop at nothing where Gentleman Laroque's own skin was concerned. I have heard it said that where Gentleman Laroque was known he was feared. Very well, Laroque, it is your turn to choose. You can choose between yourself and this 'Private Club Ring' who have purchased your services in this game to-night.