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He had to walk three miles through lush meadows and young copses. Larks were hovering in the clouds, filling the air with silvery notes, and rooks flapping their wings with sedate dignity floated over the green cornland. "Good heavens!" Ognev had thought in wonder; "can it be that there's always air like this to breathe here, or is this scent only to-day, in honour of my coming?"

Next he sewed roughly together some bits of cloth to serve as a pocket, and this he filled with glue and larks' feathers, a string of beads, a whistle of elder wood, and a slice of bread rubbed over with bacon fat. Then he went out to the path down which Rogéar, his mare, and the colt always rode, and crumbled the bread on one side of it.

You'd have to give up everything for it all your social duties, all our larks together. Oh, it's absurd! You, to spend all your time doing menial work scrubbing and washing bottles, to save me ten dollars a week!" "It isn't menial work," Rose insisted. "It's apprentice work. After I've been at it six months, learning as fast as I can, I'll be able to let Mrs. Ruston go and take her job.

'I would do it with pleasure, answered the idiot, 'but if I once open the bag they will all fly away. 'Well, open it wide enough for me to look in, said the lion, drawing a little nearer. Now this was just what Peronnik had been hoping for, so he held the bag while the lion opened it carefully and put his head right inside, so that he might get a good mouthful of larks.

"Not 'im, sir; and if he does, he'll think that one of his mates has been larking. Wait a bit, and I shall get another chance, for we ought to have two." But Fate was going to smile again, for the very next morning, in a wild state of excitement, the lad gripped his young officer's hand tightly between his own. "No larks, sir," he half-sobbed. "Don't gammon me.

Surely, they are a vast seraglio, a triple collection of pleasure houses where captive maidens are content and nautch girls dance with feet like larks. Business, commerce, one cannot associate with this enchanting vista; nor cockroaches as long as one's foot, scorpions, tarantulas, and rats.

It was during the halt which followed the slaughter of one of the larks, and the reclaiming of the hawk, that Cicely strayed a little away from the rest of the party to gather some golden willow catkins and sprays of white sloe thorn wherewith to adorn a beaupot that might cheer the dull rooms at Tutbury.

And on a winter day to walk over the high snowdrifts after hares; to breathe the keen frosty air, while half-closing the eyes involuntarily at the fine blinding sparkle of the soft snow; to admire the emerald sky above the reddish forest!... And the first spring day when everything is shining, and breaking up, when across the heavy streams, from the melting snow, there is already the scent of the thawing earth; when on the bare thawed places, under the slanting sunshine, the larks are singing confidingly, and, with glad splash and roar, the torrents roll from ravine to ravine....

"Is Bell your eldest sister?" asked Hildegarde, not sure how far it would be right to question this frank youth. "Yes, that's Bell. She's no end nice and jolly; and she's in college, you know, and we have such larks when she comes home." In college! Hildegarde's hopes fell. She knew she could not get on with college girls, though she had great respect for them. Dear me!

And Mistress Betty finally learned, with some panic and palpitation, which she was far too sensible and stately a woman to betray, that the Justice was not gone that Master Rowland, in place of examining the newly-excavated Italian cities, or dabbling in state treason in France, was no further off than Larks' Hall, confined there with a sprained ankle: nobody being to blame, unless it were Granny, who had detained Master Rowland to the last moment, or Uncle Rowland himself, for riding his horse too near the edge of the sandpit, and endangering his neck as well as his shin-bones.