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But the same author, being filled with the precedents of the Ancients writing their Plays in Verse, commends the thing; and assures us that "our language is noble, full, and significant," charging all defects upon the ill placing of words; and proves it, by quoting SENECA loftily expressing such an ordinary thing, as "shutting a door." Reserate clusos regii postes Laris.

"Delectus verborum origo est eloquentiae was the saying of JULIUS CAESAR; one so curious in his, that none of them can be changed but for the worse. "One would think 'Unlock the door! was a thing as vulgar as could be spoken; and yet SENECA could make it sound high and lofty, in his Latin "Reserate clusos regii postes Laris. "Thus, CRITES! I have endeavoured to answer your objections.

I will go away home to-morrow, when Julian starts, and begin from the very first day to read with all my might. Hitherto I have had only the bitter lessons of Camford; let us see if I cannot gain some of her honours too." "Nuda nec arva placent, umbrasque negantia molles, Nec dudum vetiti me laris augit amor." Milton. Bruce, when expelled from Saint Werner's, thought very little of his disgrace.

Reserate clusos regii postes Laris. But he says of me, That being filled with the precedents of the Ancients who Writ their Plays in Verse, I commend the thing; declaring our language to be full, noble, and significant, and charging all the defects upon the ill placing of words; which I prove by quoting SENECA's loftily expressing such an ordinary thing as shutting the door.