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The common deformities of the jaw and teeth are the overshot or parrot-mouth, the undershot or lantern-jaw, and the scissor-mouth. These different deformities result in unequal wear on the table surfaces of the incisors and molars. In both the overshot and undershot jaws, the incisor teeth become abnormally long.

Shadowy eye-sockets, deep as those of a death's head, suddenly turned into pits of lustre: a lantern-jaw was cavernous, then it was shining; wrinkles were emphasized to ravines, or obliterated entirely by a changed ray.

Peter had rubbed his lantern-jaw and glanced askance at the determined little maiden who stood facing him, her blue eyes flashing through her tears, and every line of face and figure betokening resolution.

In the lantern-jaw, the wear occurs on the posterior face of the lower and the anterior face of the superior row of incisors, the teeth taking on somewhat the same shape as the parrot-mouth. The greater the deformity and the older the horse becomes, the more difficult it is for the animal to feed or graze on pasture.

He had doped himself with Jesuits' powder got from a woman of Madame Carwell's, so that he was half deaf and blind. Yet in spite of the drug the fever went on burning. But to anyone looking close it would have seemed that he had more to trouble him than a malarial bout. The man was patently in an extreme terror. His lantern-jaw hung as loose as if it had been broken. His lips moved incessantly.

Shadowy eye-sockets, deep as those of a death's head, suddenly turned into pits of lustre: a lantern-jaw was cavernous, then it was shining; wrinkles were emphasized to ravines, or obliterated entirely by a changed ray.

Give the time of replacement of the temporary incisor teeth. How is the age of the animal determined between the fifth and ninth years? What changes in the appearance of the table surfaces occur between ten and fifteen years of age? Parrot-mouth, Lantern-jaw and Scissor-mouth.