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Henry accepted his attentions with his accustomed dreamy manner. The next morning, at half past nine, when the lieutenant arrived, he found Trenck awaiting him. The two officers rode off, followed by their servants, and took the road to Langführ. Trenck's audacity was terrifying.

Felicia Kriminalräthin Mathesius! Ha! Ha! Ha! Kriminalräthin Mathesius!" Traugott, shaken by extreme sensations of misery, laughed aloud and hastened in his usual way through the Oliva Gate along the Langfuhr to the Carlsberg. He looked down into Sorrento, and the tears gushed from his eyes.

There was no guard-house here because Langfuhr was held by the French, and Rapp's outposts were three miles out on the road to Zoppot. "I have played this game for fifty years," said Barlasch, with a low laugh, when they reached the earthworks, completed, at such enormous cost of life and strength, by Rapp; "follow me and do as I do. When I stoop, stoop; when I crawl, crawl; when I run, run."

I loaded mine and my servant's horse and pocket pistols, prepared my Turkish sabre, and, in gratitude to the lieutenant's man, promised to take him into my service, being convinced of his honesty. The lieutenant cheerfully entered about six in the morning, expatiated on the fineness of the weather, and jocosely told me I should be very kindly received by the handsome landlady of Langfuhr.

Below them on the right hand lay the marshes, a white expanse of snow with a single dark line drawn across it the Langfuhr road with its double border of trees. Barlasch turned once or twice to make sure that Desiree was following him; but he added nothing to his brief instructions.

When he gained the summit of the tableland which runs parallel with the coast and the Langfuhr road, he paused for breath. "When I crawl, crawl. When I run, run," he whispered again; and led the way. He went up the bed of a stream, turning his back to the coast, and at a certain point stopped and by a gesture of the hand bade Desiree crouch down and wait till he returned.

Whereupon Barlasch made a gesture conveying a desire to think as kindly of Antoine Sebastian as he could. "In half an hour," he said, "when it is dark, will you come for a walk with me along the Langfuhr road where the unfinished ramparts are?" Desiree looked at him and hesitated. "Oh good if you are afraid " said Barlasch. "I am not afraid I will come," she answered quickly.