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No; go way wid ye, yo’ po’ white trash,” snapped the old negro woman, as she attempted to shut the door in his face. “Chloe!” The dish which she held in her hand went clattering to the floor. “Fo’ de land’s sake!” she cried, “if it isn’t Massa Calhoun. De Lawd bress yo’, chile! De Lawd bress you!” And she seized him and fairly dragged him into the house. “Hush, Chloe, not so loud.

His delinquencies had deflected the course of the travellers, left them stranded in a remote corner of the wilderness; but now they should again resume the thread of things; Chugg’s coming was an event. "’Tain’t Chugg, by God!" said Leander, impelled to violent language by the unexpected. "It’s Peter Hamilton!" exclaimed Mrs. Dax. "Land’s sakes, the New-Yorker!" said the fat lady.

Breakfast was half over when Mrs. Yellett laid down her knife, which she had handled throughout the meal with masterly efficiency. Mary watched her in hopeless embarrassment, and wondered if her own timid use of a tin fork could be construed as an unfriendly comment upon the Yelletts’ more simple and direct code of table etiquette. "Land’s sakes!

The master was a middle-aged, innocent west-countryman, a good sailor, knew all the harbours from Plymouth to the Land’s End, and perhaps several others, but he was more of a pilot than a master, and usually conversed about landmarks, church steeples, and crayfish.

The eighth week brought us in sight of the Land’s End, when we repeated the signal for the convoy to separate for their respective ports. Those bound to London kept company with us as far as the Downs. I longed to be once more on my native shore, but I was doomed to be mortified for two days, as the surf on the beach was too high to admit a boat to land.

So off he sends to Denver for all the letter-writin’ books he can buyHandbook of Correspondence, The Epistolary Guide, The Ready Letter-Writer, and a stack more. There’s no denyin’ it, Johnnie certainly did sweat hisself over them letters." "Land’s sakes!" said the fat lady.

It’ll do her good; and I’m going to buy her four silk gowns to go with, but for Lord’sno, for land’s sake don’t tell Tempest." "I hope you are not very anxious to have Fanny go North," said William; "for it will seriously affect a plan which I have formed." "Well, what is it?" asked Mr. Middleton.

The suggestion of metallic lighthouses originated a few years ago with Captain Sir Samuel Brown, when it was proposed to place a lighthouse on the Wolf Rock near Land’s End, a position where it would be exposed to the most violent storms of the Atlantic. A plan for the erection of a stone lighthouse on this point had already been drawn up by Mr.

The whole nation, from John o’ Groat to Land’s End, from Westport to Dover, are playing cross-corners. Every body and every thing is on the move. A dwelling-house, like an umbrella, is only a thing used on an emergency; and the inhabitants of Great Britain pass their lives amid the smoke of steam-boats, or the din and thunder of the Grand-Junction.

"Land’s sake!" interrupted the fat lady. "Why don’t you kick?" Leander sighed softly. "I tried to once. As an experiment it partook of the trustfulness of a mule kickin’ against the stony walls of Badger Cañon. But to resoom about the difficulties that split the Dax family. Before Johnnie got mislaid in that matrimonial landslide o’ his, he herds with us.