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"I was thinking of the Power Company," explained Taylor. "Blessed if I know," confessed Bob; "but I think not. I disagree with them on so many things that I'd like to think they are bought. But they are more often against those apt to buy, than for them. They lambaste impartially and with a certain Irish delight in doing the job thoroughly. I must say they are not fair about it.

And then, as the evening shadows fall, I shall gather those children about me and relate the sufferings and hardships I endured on the Chilkoot Trail. And if they don't cry I repeat, if they don't cry, I'll lambaste the stuffing out of them." The arctic winter came down apace.

"Yes, I'm glad it's so, for it saams if I had a spalpeen of a son off wid Lone Wolf, among the mountains, I'd feel as bad as if he'd gone in swimming where the water was over his head. And then it will be so nice to sit down and tell the ould gintleman about it, and have him lambaste ye 'cause you wasn't more respictful to Lone Wolf.

"I ain't stuck on helpin' that MacDonald coon to 'lope with nobody," he grumbled. "Don't you mind the time he took after us?" The orphan chuckled. "Cracky! he did lambaste you, though, didn't he? Sawed-Off told the doc on us, though, the time we took the wheel off his buggy. We've promised, anyhow," he continued righteously.

"Didn't he just naturally lambaste 'em?" he cried excitedly. "They'll down him, I guess, but say, he's right. A man would lose his self-respect if he didn't let out his mind at them hoss thieves, wouldn't he? What's that fellow's name?" I told him. "Krebs," he repeated. "I want to remember that. Durned if I don't shake hands with him." His excitement astonished me.

"You go to that there circus," says Hank, a-flaring up, "and I'll lambaste you up to a inch of your life. So fur as handing out money fur you to sling it to the dogs, I ain't no bank, and if I was I ain't no ijut. But you jest let me hear of you even going nigh that circus lot and all the lammings you has ever got, rolled into one, won't be a measly little sarcumstance to what you WILL get.

His father did them and let the men think it was his son." "Sounds fishy but if it's so somebody ought to lambaste the old man. He sure got his son in bad.... What's this I hear about him marryin' some girl and gettin' kicked out?" "That's true," said Bonbright. "Huh!... Wonder what he'll do without his pa. Them kind hain't much good, I notice.... Maybe he's well fixed himself, though."

And since I got a look at myself back there when the wife was hurt " Sam Dickerson's voice broke and he turned away for a moment so that his visitor should not see his face. "Well!" he continued. "You've got Pete right this time no doubt of that. I dunno what makes him such a mean whelp. I'll lambaste him good for this, now I tell you. But the stacks " "Make him pay for them out of his own money.

Why, they say that as far as anybody can find out, he's never give that poolroom man even one good talking to. Jake, who's been itching to lambaste the man, says 's-far's he can see, it was the poolroom man who did all the talking.

"Didn't he just naturally lambaste 'em?" he cried excitedly. "They'll down him, I guess, but say, he's right. A man would lose his self-respect if he didn't let out his mind at them hoss thieves, wouldn't he? What's that fellow's name?" I told him. "Krebs," he repeated. "I want to remember that. Durned if I don't shake hands with him." His excitement astonished me.