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"And unless I am mistaken, Colonel Gaylord," she added, turning to my uncle, "he left my coat on that broken column above Crystal Lake. I am afraid that he isn't a very good cavalier." The Colonel, I imagine, had been a very good cavalier in his own youth, and I do not think that he had entirely outgrown it.

Michikamau, it might be explained, means, in the Indian tongue, big water so big you cannot see the land beyond; Michikamats means a smaller body of water beyond which land may be seen. So somebody has paradoxically defined it "a little big lake."

And further: that while the glacial deposit was principally at the lower end, the river deposit, since the glacial epoch, has been wholly at the upper end. Now the great Lake, also, has a similar structure.

Our only and frail hope now left of seeing the Red Indians lay on the banks of the River Exploits, on our return to the sea-coast. The Red Indians' Lake discharges itself about three or four miles from its north-east end, and its waters from the River Exploits.

In a clearing before her spread a lake of willow-herb, of a pure bright pink, hemmed in by a golden shore of ragwort. The splash of color gave Kitty a passionate delight. "Dear, dear world!" She stretched out her hands to it in a childish greeting. Then the joy died sharply from her eyes. "How many years left to enjoy it in before one dies or one's heart dies?"

The possession of this province, which contained some five hundred thousand inhabitants, was essential to Peter in the prosecution of his commercial enterprises. During the prosecution of this war the small town of Marienburg, on the confines of Livonia, situated on the shores of a lake, was taken by storm.

In the most dreary part of the mountains they chanced upon a herd of those curious animals, the musk-oxen, and shot one of them; but the meat tasted so rank, and smelt so strongly of musk, that the whole of it was left to the wolves, foxes, and other preying creatures of these parts. On the third day, after leaving their camp by the lake, a pleasant prospect opened before them.

"I think that is Firefly Lake," said Shep, pointing to a hazy spot in the distance. "And if it is, then our camp may lay around on the upper side of this mountain." "That may be true." "Shall we try to walk it?" "Might as well, Shep. We don't want to stay here all night." "And we don't want to walk two or three miles out of our way," put in Whopper.

They must conform with what has been agreed upon," and turning to Macartney, he said, "Will you go to the Lar Wang's palace and tell him that this cannot be, and meet me afterwards at Wuliungchow, where I am to join the steamer Hyson to go on the Taiho Lake?"

Extensive repairs had been required to make it habitable. The door was in the south wall, and you had to walk around the house to reach the lake shore. There was a little crooked window beside it, and another in the easterly wall. Opposite the door was a great fire-place made out of the round stones from the lake shore.