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"There have been charges made here that cannot go unnoticed. Can you prove these things Sing?" he asked turning to the Chinaman. "I plove much by Bludleen's lascar. Bludleen tell him all 'bout Hornee. I plove some more by Dyak chief at long-house. He knows lots. Lajah Saffir tell him. It all tlue, Mlaxon." "And it is true about this man the thing that you have told us is true?

Why you make the cold chills run up my spine," she ended, laughing. But Sing did not return her smile as was his custom. "You no lememba tallee Lajah stand up wavee lite clothee in plilate boat, ah?" he urged. "Oh, Sing," she cried, "I do indeed! But unless you had reminded me I should never have thought to connect him with our visitor of today they do look very much alike, don't they?"

The Chinaman turned his shrewd, slant eyes malevolently upon the doctor. "Sing lies?" he hissed. "Mabbeso Sing lies when he ask what for you glet Bludleen steal tleasure. But Lajah Saffir he come and spoil it all while you tly glet Linee to the ship Sing knows. "Then you tellee Mlaxon Thlirteen steal Linee. You lie then and you knew you lie.

You lie again when Thlirteen savee Linee flom Oulang Outang you say you savee Linee. "Then you make bad talkee with Lajah Saffir at long-house. Sing hear you all timee. You tly getee tleasure away from Dlyaks for your self. Then " "Stop!" roared von Horn. "Stop! You lying yellow sneak, before I put a bullet in you." "Both of you may stop now," said Professor Maxon authoritatively.