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"I'll gib him some ob my rations," promised Washington. "He eats jest laik white folks, dat Shanghai do. Golly! I'se glad I kin take him. I'll go out an' make a cage." "What will you I do with the rest of your fowls, Wash?" asked Mark. "Oh, a feller named Jim Johnson'll keep 'em fer me till we gits back. Jim's a cousin ob mine."

I don't want nuffin t' do wif dat ornery, low-down white trash! But I's gone an' done whut I said I'd do!" "What's that, Rad? Come on, tell us! Don't keep us in suspense." "I's done some deteckertiff wuk, lest laik I said I'd do, an' I's cotched him! By golly, Massa Tom! I's cotched him black-handed, as it says!" "Caught him? Whom have you caught, Rad?" cried Tom.

"An' I'll be mighty keerful ob it' laik Massa Tom tole me. He wouldn't trust dat big lummox Koku wif anyt'ing laik dis." Screwing on the cover, and putting a piece of wrapping paper outside the rough, wooden box, with the letter in his hand, Eradicate, full of his own importance, set off for Miss Nestor's house. Tom had not returned from the telephone, over which he was talking to Mr. Titus.

He holdin' back a lot o' t'ings. "He's gainin'! doggone my cats, he's gainin'! an' dat hoss o' his'n gwine des ez stiddy ez a rockin'-chair. Jim allus was a good boy. "Confound these spec's, I cain't see 'em skacely; huh, you say dey's neck an' neck; now I see 'em! now I see 'em! and Jimmy's a-ridin' like Huh, huh, I laik to said sumpin'.

Sometime I think you ver' ole man. And this is why, and sence you laik objects of art, that I bring this and ask you keep it while I am in dangere." I was mystified. He thrust his hand into his coat and drew forth an oval object wrapped in dirty paper, and then disclosed to my astonished eyes the miniature of Mademoiselle de St.

Where is you, Freddie?" she cried. There was no answer. "Oh, Dinah! do get them out," begged Nan. "I will, honey! I will!" exclaimed the colored woman. "Shall I go to get Sam?" Nan wanted to know. "Mother isn't at home," she added to Bert. "She went over to Mrs. Black's. Oh, maybe we can't ever get Flossie and Freddie out!" "Hush yo' talk laik dat!" cried Dinah. "Co'se we git 'em out!

Calling to the colored man, Tom pointed to the stranger, who was almost out of sight down the road, and said earnestly: "Rad, do you see that fellow?" "I sho do, Massa Tom, but I sorter has t' strain my eyes t' do it. He's goin' laik my mule Boomerang does when he's comm' home t' dinnah." "That's right, Rad. Well, never let that man set foot inside our fence again!

"Sorry you're not coming, Rad, but I'll take you next time." "Dat's all right, Massa Tom. I doan't laik dem smugger-fellers, nohow. Good-bye an' good luck!" "Bless my grab bag!" gasped Mr. Damon. "You certainly do things, Tom." "That's the only way to get things done," replied the young inventor. "How about you, Ned? Motor all right?" "Sure." "Then let her go!"

It was wonderful the things that cyclone did." "And the peccaries," Charlie reminded him. "That cyclone," began Seth all over again, "came flyin' along black as night and thunderin' laik mad and caught up the whole herd of peccaries. "Those peccaries ain't even-tempahd animals.

"Dat's what he had," answered Eradicate, pausing in the midst of his work. "He suah were a funny sort ob tramp. His hands done looked laik he neber wuked, an' he had a funny blue ring one finger, only it wasn't a reg'lar ring, yo' know. It was pushed right inter his skin, laik a man I seen at de circus once, all cobered wid funny figgers." Tom leaped to his feet.